psalm-plugin-symfony copied to clipboard
Validator with ManagerRegistry in constructor throw an Exception
In a Validator we inject the ManagerRegistry
dependencie (do the same with the old EntityManagerInterface
service), this cause an exception:
Uncaught Exception: RuntimeException PHP Error: ReflectionClass::__construct(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($objectOrClass) of type object|string is deprecated in /home/mpiot/Documents/vermon/vendor/psalm/plugin-symfony/src/Handler/DoctrineRepositoryHandler.php:50
The validator code is:
class NotManufacturingDefectValidator extends ConstraintValidator
public function __construct(private ManagerRegistry $registry)
public function validate($value, Constraint $constraint): void
/* @var $constraint NotManufacturingDefect */
if (null === $value || '' === $value) {
$repository = $this->registry->getManager()->getRepository($value::class);
if (!$repository instanceof HasManufacturingDefectInterface) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('@NotManufacturingDefect constraint must be put on a property refering to an entity with a repository that implement %s.', HasManufacturingDefectInterface::class));
$hasManufacturingDefect = $repository->hasManufacturingDefect($value);
if (true === $hasManufacturingDefect) {
If I comment the constructor, no Exceptions, then it seems totally due to this specific injection in this place. If I try to inject it a Controller for example it works.
You should change your code to the code below:
private $registry;
public function __construct(private ManagerRegistry $registry) { $this->registry = $registry; }
fixed in