PowerShellBuild copied to clipboard
Builds not failing despite changelog and manifest version tests failing
Expected Behavior
Build fails, if any Pester tests fails
Current Behavior
[-] Changelog and manifest versions are the same 391ms (298ms|92ms)
Expected, but got
at $changelogVersion -as [Version] | Should -Be ( $manifestData.Version -as [Version] ), C:\Users\jenkins\Agent\workspace\erShell-Modules_CCM-Build_master\tests\Manifest.tests.ps1:62
at <ScriptBlock>, C:\Users\jenkins\Agent\workspace\erShell-Modules_CCM-Build_master\tests\Manifest.tests.ps1:62
Describing Git tagging
[!] Is tagged with a valid version 80ms (0ms|80ms)
[!] Matches manifest version 65ms (0ms|65ms)
Running tests from 'Meta.tests.ps1'
Describing Text files formatting
Context File encoding
[+] No text file uses Unicode/UTF-16 encoding 238ms (112ms|126ms)
Context Indentations
[+] No text file use tabs for indentations 250ms (129ms|121ms)
Tests completed in 36.97s
Tests Passed: 54, Failed: 1, Skipped: 2 NotRun: 0
Finished: SUCCESS
Possible Solution
Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)
- Change Manifest version
- Skip adding new version to changelog
- build
I build my module in jenkins, saw the error, but my build never failed
Your Environment
Jenkins Agent Container (Windows Docker EE) Powershell 5.1