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[ISSUE] Original PS2 controller still vibrates [PADEMU]
Issue checklist
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Issue description - Describe the problem you are having
the PS2 pad still vibrates when using PADEMU DS3/BT
Expected result
Shouldnt vibrate. Real PS2 should be invisible to the game
Actual result
Vibrates and it may cause jump scares and PS2 controller waking to the table edge until it falls in the floor
How to reproduce the issue
Use DS3/BT with GTA Vice City, Western Samurai and another game that i cant remember the name.
now related to DS3 vibration i think it is too weak compared to SCPToolkit and real PS2 controller. Should be more "strong"
EDIT: over USB cable its identical to a real PS2 controller!
Simple solution would be to enable emulation on the both controllers. It possible to achieve this in drivers but I'm not sure of best way. As about vibration strength it looks like came from hardware. Maybe ds3 controller is changing vibration level depending on which power source is using. Try connect ds3 to usb when it is in bt mode.
As about vibration strength it looks like came from hardware. Maybe ds3 controller is changing vibration level depending on which power source is using. Try connect ds3 to usb when it is in bt mode.
Tried that and the rumble hasnt changed. It doesnt feel like DS2 when sprying with a machine gun on Resident Evil 4 or rolling, climbing ladders in Metal Gear Solid 3....
The code probably hasn't changed, but I thought/figured asking if this issue is still present, would not 'hurt'?
Can someone confirm this issue?
I've tried Resident Evil 4 through HDD with this test build:
The funny thing is that when I've tried to test vibration on this screen:
If the DS2 was in 1st port it vibrates, when it was in 2nd port it do not vibrate.
DS3 do not vibrates at all, even with this setting on (Enable Vibration - On):
@carljtc can you confirm that the problem has been fixed in rev 1486 (50a93d3)?
I have try Resident Evil 4 through HDD and everything seems to be fine (via wireless). DS3 vibrates.
However I still have problem with mac address of a controller not matching mac address of a USB bluetooth adapter:
@belek666, after the fix of the vibration of a DS3 it is still weak compared with the DS2.
I have a report from the user @MrKARATEKYUKEN who has done a deep test with this configuration:
Beta r1537 No modchip in the console Original DS3 Adapter Bluetooh 4.0 Netway USB CSR8510 AP-NW3468 Internal HDD Resident Evil 4, Tekken Tag (NTSC-J)
With Resident Evil 4 the vibration is random, sometimes it vibrates like it has to vibrate and sometimes it doesn't, it is quite irregular, sometimes vibrates well, others loses intensity, and others strength being quite weak at times.
Normally when you shoot continuously the vibration changes from one shoot to another, it rarely works well in more than 2 shots in a row, after the second shot or at most the third shoot, the vibration changes.
I've tested it with the option to Use emulation on port 1 having DS2 connected on port 2, and also with DS2 disconnected directly from the console, the result is the same.
With the Tekken Tag (NTSC-J) the vibration on the DS3 does not vibrate as strong as the DS2. Even with the adapter connected to the USB cable, the vibration of the DS3 is weaker than that of the DS2.
Please you can take a look on this for fix it? Thank you.
Best regards.