Przemek Pokrywka
Przemek Pokrywka
Generate a skeleton of Mill project basing on declared dependencies. Ignore exclusions and private repositories for now.
Generate a skeleton of SBT project basing on the declared dependencies. Exclusions don't need to be supported.
This new API allows users to easily test how environment variables substitutions would work in their complex configurations, with: - no need for [ugly reflection hacks]( (JVM provides no way...
Many container-era applications follow the [12-factor-app specification]( which puts focus on environment variables. The environment variable substitutions used in the configuration files can not be easily tested, which is a...
Until #1053 gets completed, the TestSystem is basically ignored in the integration with Typesafe Config. Even though the external library does not support overriding of the System class method calls,...
## Proposal **Use case. Why is this important?** My database enjoys/suffers heavy read+write traffic with the writes dominating the load, sometimes by orders of magnitude. That makes it very difficult...
Version of plugin given in README doesn't work (ends up with an NPE). Changing it to 0.2.10 does the job. Please update the README
Hi, many thanks for the tool! I can't run it in my IDEA for some reason though, would you have any advice? This is what I'm getting when I try...