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AWS Native Streaming Data Platform

  1. Overview
    1. Architecture
    2. Region availability
  2. Developing
    1. Build
    2. Deploy
    3. Test
      1. Integration
      2. Performance
  3. User Guide
    1. Data Ingestion
    2. Reporting
    3. Machine Learning


The Streaming Data Platform is a unified solution that enables real-time data analytics and serves as a foundational service for AI solutions. Provectus’ streaming-first architecture powers and provides governance for a data lake ecosystem. It consolidates data pipelines and improves scalability in the cloud for real-time analysis. These well-architected solutions accelerate time-to-market and mitigate technology risks.

Streaming Data Platform is delivered as an AWS CloudFormation template quick start. Resources in the stack depend on the region. Use a table below to launch the stack in your region:

Region Launch stack
us-east-1 Launch Stack
us-east-2 Launch Stack
us-west-2 Launch Stack
eu-west-1 Launch Stack
eu-central-1 Launch Stack

Use Cases

The template is designed for the following initiatives:

  • Plug-n-play solution for processing and storing data streams in the AWS cloud
  • Migration of Hadoop based on-prem platform to AWS native streaming services
  • Migration of legacy Enterprise Service Bus or Data Integration architectures to AWS native platform
  • Rearchitecture of Data Warehouse workloads to handle growing data volume and velocity, and to provide capabilities for real-time analytics
  • Rearchitecture of slow, inconsistent and always-out-of-date data marts in existing Data Lake or Data Warehouse
  • Rearchitecture of duplicated and disjointed real-time and batch pipelines



How it works

SDP provides API Gateway endpoints for ingestion of real time-messages at high throughput.

All events are pushed to Kinesis Data Streams and are processed in the Blueprint Kinesis Analytics processor, which serves as a point of customization to filter, enrich, and aggregate incoming data.

Data lands in S3 buckets in a columnar format, partitioned by date time. Smart partitioning system eventually merges them into bigger files to provide sub-second SQL queries on top of Athena.

Aggregated messages are sorted and stored in DynamoDB. They can be accessed by reporting endpoints in API Gateway. Each type of message is registered in AWS Glue with associated metadata for catalogizing and self-description purposes. AWS Athena acts as an interactive ad-hoc SQL interface on top of those tables.

Streaming Data Platform provides a blueprint machine learning path, with feature collection and continuous model retraining algorithm on top of SageMaker. As a blueprint, it implements prediction of the probability, winning the bid by the specified price.

Region availability

All services which were used in the stack are available only in the following AWS regions:

  • Northern Virginia (us-east-1)
  • Ohio (us-east-2)
  • Oregon (us-west-2)
  • Ireland (eu-west-1)
  • Frankfurt (eu-central-1)



mvn clean package


Upload build artifacts to S3

aws cloudformation package
    --template-file fds-template.yaml
    --s3-bucket <s3-bucket-name>
    --output-template-file fds.yaml

Deploy a cloudformation stack:

aws cloudformation deploy
    --template-file fds.yaml
    [ --parameter-overrides S3Bucket=<some-value> AggregationPeriod=10 S3ResourceBucket=<some-value>]
    --stack-name <stack-name>

Stack outputs:

  • UrlForAPI - URL for injection requests
  • UrlForReports - URL for retrieving reports
  • UrlForPredictions - URL for retrieving predictions



The integration test is launched in the us-west-2 region by default.

mvn -fn verify -DresourceBucket=<temporaryBucket>

Where temporaryBucket is a bucket for resources required to create the stack. You may remove it once stack creation is finished.

Test report is stored in ./fds-it/target/surefire-reports/


Gatling is used for performance testing

docker run -it --rm -e JAVA_OPTS="-Dduration=60 -DbaseUrl=<UrlForAPI> -Dgatling.core.simulationClass=basic.ApiPerformanceTest" -v  `pwd`/gatling:/opt/gatling/user-files -v `pwd`/gatling/results:/opt/gatling/results -v `pwd`/gatling/conf:/opt/gatling/conf denvazh/gatling

Test report would be stored in ./gatling/results/

User Guide

An architecture is generic enough to support any business use case. For demonstration purposes, a canonical Adtech use case is implemented.

Data Ingestion

The following data streams are available:

  • Bid
  • Click
  • Impression

Ingesting Bids:

curl --request POST --header "Content-type: application/json" --data '{"tx_id":"44db4cf3-c372-4f7c-8443-9d2a1e725473","domain":"","app_uid":"e582f2a0-3e2b-4066-a2a3-dc5867953d0d","campaign_item_id":1463517,"creative_id":"b72897cb-3f88-423b-84aa-9b7710d2416d","creative_category":"testCreativeCategory"}' '<UrlForAPI>/bid'

Bid Schema

title: Bid
type: object
    required: true
    type: string
    required: true
    type: integer
    type: string
    type: string
    required: true
    type: string
    type: string
    type: integer
    type: string
    default: bid

Ingesting Clicks:

curl --request POST --header "Content-type: application/json" --data '{"tx_id":"44db4cf3-c372-4f7c-8443-9d2a1e725473"}' '<UrlForAPI>/click'

Click Schema

title: Click
type: object
    required: true
    type: string
    type: string
    default: click

Ingesting Impressions:

curl --request POST --header "Content-type: application/json" --data '{"tx_id":"44db4cf3-c372-4f7c-8443-9d2a1e725473","win_price":1}' '<UrlForAPI>/impression'

Impression schema:

title: Impression
type: object
    required: true
    type: string
    required: true
    type: integer
    type: string
    default: imp


Reports are calculated in Amazon Kinesis and stored in Aggregatio Stream. Aggregated stream is exposed to realtime consumers, as well as to offline queries.

Aggregation Schema:

title: Aggregation
type: object
    required: true
    type: integer
    type: integer
    type: integer
    type: integer
    type: integer

Realtime Reporting

Realtime reporting for particular as Ad Campaign is available via API Gateway:

curl -o bid-report.json '<UrlForReports>/reports/campaigns/<campaign_item_id>'

Analytical Queries

Kinesis Streams are snapshotted and compacted in Amazon S3 for a Data Lake type of workloads. Each table stores a data streams (Bids, Clicks, Impressions, and Aggregations) data type in json or parquet.

The following tables are available for Athena queries:

  • parquet_aggregates and raw_aggregates
  • parquet_bcns and raw_bcns
  • parquet_clicks and raw_clicks
  • parquet_impressions and raw_impressions

Machine Learning

Streaming Data Platform has a feature called Continuous Model Training. It's mean that the learning model will retrain as soon as new data is arrived by the Streaming Data Platform.

You can learn more about SageMaker response format here

 curl -d \
   '{"campaignItemId":"realCompaignItemId","domain":"realDomain","creativeId":"realCreativeId","creativeCategory":"realCreativeCategory","winPrice":prefferedPrice}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -X POST ${UrlForPredictions}

And the result of this statement may be like this:

{"predictions": [{"score": 0.9999716281890869, "predicted_label": 1.0}]}