I am adding stack trace for reference. ``` System.InvalidOperationException Unable to resolve service for type 'xxx.Infrastructure.Persistence.IRepository' while attempting to activate ''. System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service for type 'xxx.Infrastructure.Persistence.IRepository' while...
I got it to work eventually. I think it is the missing documentation here that stands in the way of using this library (apart from the missing NET Standard target...
The below configuration method works for me. Looking at your answer @speige it seems like you found a more elegant way to do it. So merge of both solution would...
Here are my settings in DisplayCAL. I am not an expert in this app, nor in calibration in general. Just tried to replicate the settings that xrite i1profiler is using...
What should I start with? DisplayCAL calibration on an unclamped monitor? Or on already clamped? Should I load the profile generated by DisplayCAL into the novideo_srgb tool and enable clamp?...
Please note that values shown in Use EDID primaries setting are quite different from the ones provided by DisplayCAL. Also, there are 3 decimal places in the tool, while DisplayCAL...
Here are the profiles I generated using DisplayCAL, back when first testing version 0.3-test - one before using the clamp and one after. sRGB coverage is at 0,995 for the...
Just loaded the latest version 1.2. What is the difference between absolute and relative gamma? Why are the new default values for relative and absolute gamma at 2.2000000476837158 ?
Given I have a LED monitor, which does not have an infinite contrast, which setting is recommended, relative or absolute? I assume this should also be configured during calibration in...
Perfect :) I think this new addition of using the profile and setting the gamma is a great killer option, which makes it much easier to use the app after...