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new version 3.2 excludes subfolder sorting
earlier versions of thunderbird only allowed the creation of subfolders of the inbox. therefore I have a lot of subfolders which now, in thunderbird 115, are not moveable, not even with "manually sort folders". how do I move the subfolders to folders in order to be able to manually sort them with the addon?
Furthermore version 3.2 prevents the showing of "Total Message Count". After disabling the plugin, the symptoms of bug [(] are gone. Very bad plugin!
And after changing the IMAP folder structure (only folders, no sub-folders), the same happens: the "Total Messages Count" is not shown, although this feature of Thunderbird 115 is active. ---> unusable Add-on, remains disabled!
Really would appreciate being able to sort subfolders!
Would be great to be able to manually sort sub-folders. Is there a plan to implement? Thanks.
Without sorting subfolders the add-on has very limited utility. It was very much appreciated when I could sort a list of the folders that were in my global inbox into significance order.
An alphabetical list is of much less utility to me than one sorted by relevance.
I have a sad suspicion that the dev for this add-on has given up on it. Or indeed developing for TB. It's in the nature of FOSS that we rely on the good will/availability/interest of volunteer devs. Maybe Protz no longer has time or interest for this add-on. It's a pity, it was filling a significant gap in the TB design (That's also in the nature of FOSS software, if the main design team don't like a feature/don't understand the need for it/put it at the bottom of the project list etc. there's nothing that non-coders can do)
The dev Is very busy at the moment, see issue #199 (scroll down to the bottom) for more info. The main problem arise from the rewriting of Thunderbird 115 that brings huge changes for the plugins working.
The dev Is very busy at the moment, see issue #199 (scroll down to the bottom) for more info. The main problem arise from the rewriting of Thunderbird 115 that brings huge changes for the plugins working.
So since #199 simply says that this functionality will ( at some point in the future) be built in to TB and my preceding comment suggesting that the dev was not going to update this add-on was well over two months ago, do we now just accept that this addon is not going to be made functional again and write it off? Edit (2) Aaannnd, another two months on..... Still nothing. Betterbird has this functionality, so I've switched to that. It's time that we draw a line under MSF and/or legacy TB. Either managing without this option or migrating to Betterbird- which is certainly "better" in this regard and implicitly, in responding to what users need, judging by this..
In Thunderbird, two of my three accounts show all folders as subfolders of Inbox, even though they don't show that way on the servers. So I am waiting for subfolders to be restored to this add-on. In the meanwhile I am using version from #199 in TB 115.10.1.
In Thunderbird, two of my three accounts show all folders as subfolders of Inbox, even though they don't show that way on the servers. So I am waiting for subfolders to be restored to this add-on. In the meanwhile I am using version from #199 in TB 115.10.1.
@Matt provided a solution to the problem of all folders being subfolders of Inbox. For me, this cures 90% of the inconvenience of not sorting subfolders.
Just a follow up for this feature request.