protobuf-javascript copied to clipboard
JavaScript Bug - deserializeBinary uint64 field to a unsafe int and not correct number
I use protoc-3.6.0-osx-x86_64
to convert xx.proto
to xx_pb.js
and npm install google-protobuf(^3.6.0)
syntax = "proto2";
package InitConnect;
import "Common.proto";
message C2S
required int32 clientVer = 1; //客户端版本号,clientVer = "."以前的数 * 100 + "."以后的,举例:1.1版本的clientVer为1 * 100 + 1 = 101,2.21版本为2 * 100 + 21 = 221
required string clientID = 2; //客户端唯一标识,无生具体生成规则,客户端自己保证唯一性即可
optional bool recvNotify = 3; //此连接是否接收市场状态、交易需要重新解锁等等事件通知,true代表接收,FutuOpenD就会向此连接推送这些通知,反之false代表不接收不推送
message S2C
required int32 serverVer = 1; //FutuOpenD的版本号
required uint64 loginUserID = 2; //FutuOpenD登陆的牛牛用户ID
required uint64 connID = 3; //此连接的连接ID,连接的唯一标识
required string connAESKey = 4; //此连接后续AES加密通信的Key,固定为16字节长字符串
required int32 keepAliveInterval = 5; //心跳保活间隔
message Request
required C2S c2s = 1;
message Response
required int32 retType = 1 [default = -400]; //返回结果,参见Common.RetType的枚举定义
optional string retMsg = 2; //返回结果描述
optional int32 errCode = 3; //错误码,客户端一般通过retType和retMsg来判断结果和详情,errCode只做日志记录,仅在个别协议失败时对账用
optional S2C s2c = 4;
I convert InitConnect.proto to InitConnect_pb.js And Import it to node.js code
const InitConnectMessage = require("InitConnect_pb.js")
//I get PackageBody_Buffer from net, then deserializeBinary
let ResponseBody_Object = InitConnectMessage.Response.deserializeBinary(PackageBody_Buffer);
ResponseBody_Object = ResponseBody_Object.toObject();
The log is :
{ rettype: 0,
retmsg: '',
errcode: 0,
{ serverver: 100,
loginuserid: 2131552,
connid: 167141872653707230,
connaeskey: 'D7279ECAA5CF51E8',
keepaliveinterval: 10 } }
As the result, the deserialized connid is 167141872653707230
, more than js Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER// → 9_007_199_254_740_991
Moreover the deserialized connid is not equal to the original connid!
This may be a issue of toObject(). Have you tried to inspect the connid value using protobuf generated accessors?
@xfxyjwf The JS protobuf gennerated
accessor ResponseBody_Object.getS2c().getConnid()
return the same unsafe and not correct int number.
@haberman Josh, what's the right way to get the value of a int64 field in javascript?
@haberman @xfxyjwf Have the right way to get the value of a int64 field in javascript?
@TeBoring is jspb.jstype open source?
@dibenede Do you have any plans for this? Do you know what must be modified, besides the function in #159 ?