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A very basic single feed social media application. Built on top of React-Native and Firebase real-time database with persistent data storage for user's device.

Results 4 Mister-Poster issues
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@shoumma Hi, Getting error after running it in the emulator/ real device . So can you update the project to latest versions. ![navigator is deprcated](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26574718/34762830-312d9a4a-f60f-11e7-80ea-cbae8668862e.JPG)

Cool stuff! I took a look at things with iOS, there are a couple of tweaks required to make it run but nothing too bad: - Roboto is seems to...

Hello everybody. First I do not speak English well . A really interesting application, but I find the XML file layout in res / layout . I newbie android programming....