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Add a settings section

Open properlypurple opened this issue 3 years ago • 6 comments

Some possible settings

  • use system theme
  • reset preferences
  • what more...

properlypurple avatar Oct 20 '20 11:10 properlypurple

I'd like to see rules settings, so I specify that gets always opened in the Firefox work profile without asking.

cweiske avatar Nov 24 '20 08:11 cweiske

Thank you @cweiske ! That is actually in my mind to implement. I just have to get Libhandy and some UI stuff down first.

properlypurple avatar Nov 24 '20 08:11 properlypurple

How do you plan to store the this-domain-opens-that-browser rules? I'd like to build a patch that allows me to edit some kind of plain text file until the config dialog is ready, and I'd like to follow your file format preference.

cweiske avatar Nov 27 '20 13:11 cweiske

I checked if GSettings could be used for the dynamic domain-browser settings. One could use the "list-of" schema attribute, but there seems to be no examples anywhere on the net. I got the impression that this does not seem to be the best/preferred way to store many configuration options.

Using a{ss} seems to be the way to go:

cweiske avatar Jan 20 '21 17:01 cweiske

I'd pay 30€ for the configure-browser-per-domain feature, so that I don't always have to choose the browser.

cweiske avatar Feb 22 '21 07:02 cweiske

I've added a usable implementation in my fork. Currently you have to define the mappings manually via dconf-editor, but it does work. See the commit message for an explanation. I'll keep the bounty myself then.

cweiske avatar Feb 25 '21 11:02 cweiske