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Need fuzzy preconditions
For example if a key isn't defined in my key-value store, I may not want to rule out trying to get it since that's still a valid thing to do, but I also want that to be a smaller set of the cases tried.
Hi! I am not sure this feature should be built-in in the framework. It sounds more like a custom generator could help achieving the same functionality. Something like:
%% Define a ratio of 10:1 between existing and non-existing keys
%% Return one of the existing keys from the state. Crash if no keys are available.
existing_key(S) ->
elements(maps:get(keys, S)).
%% Return a key which is not in the state
non_existing_key(S) ->
?SUCHTHAT(Key, term(), not lists:member(Key, maps:get(keys, S))).
%% Return either an existing or non-existing key, according to default frequencies
key(S) ->
%% Return either an existing or non-existing key, according to custom frequencies.
%% It falls back to non-existing in case the state is empty
key(S, Frequencies) ->
NEFrequency = maps:get(non_existing, Frequencies, ?DEFAULT_NON_EXISTING_FREQUENCY),
EFrequency = maps:get(existing, Frequencies, ?DEFAULT_EXISTING_FREQUENCY),
case maps:get(keys, S) of
[] -> non_existing_key(S);
_ -> frequency([{EFrequency, existing_key(S)}, {NEFrequency, non_existing_key(S)}])
This can then be used as in:
key(S, #{existing => ?HIGH_FREQUENCY})
key(S, #{non_existing => ?HIGH_FREQUENCY})