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Problem with Serializers of case classes that contain Map[Int,Int]
the following code does not compile:
import rapture.json.{Json, _}
case class Foo(value:Map[Int,Int])
case class Bar(foos:Seq[Foo])
class Test(implicit ast:JsonAst) {
val myBar = Bar(List(Foo(Map(1->1))))
//implicit val ser = implicitly[Serializer[Foo,Json]]
but removing the commented implicit solves the error. The error for scala 2.10 doesn't help much:
Cannot serialize type com.example.Bar to rapture.json.Json. Please provide an implicit Serializer of type com.example.Bar.
However using 2.11 we get:
diverging implicit expansion for type rapture.json.Serializer[com.example.Bar,rapture.json.Json]
this leads me to suspect a problem related to the Map[Int,Int] - Maybe there are different strategies for maps that use keys other than String?
I've tried to reproduce your workaround, but without success. Here is my minimalist project: https://github.com/tyrcho/rapture-json-demo/blob/map/src/main/scala/BiggerDemo.scala
It could be because I'm still in 1.1.0 ... But I cannot migrate to 2.0 because of #278