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An addon to ScreamingSandals bedwars plugin to hypixelify it!
I got issue with plugin that not up to date So i just want latest snapshot Jenkins is shutted down
i already changed the config.yml file but it don't work anyway, version: 1.17 (no 1.17.1)
[18:16:02 WARN]: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant org.bukkit.Material.CHAINMAIL_AXE [18:16:02 WARN]: at java.base/java.lang.Enum.valueOf( [18:16:02 WARN]: at org.bukkit.Material.valueOf( [18:16:02 WARN]: at io.github.pronze.sba.utils.ShopUtil.checkifUpgraded( [18:16:02 WARN]: at io.github.pronze.sba.listener.PlayerListener.lambda$onPlayerDeath$0( [18:16:02 WARN]: at java.base/$ForEachOp$OfRef.accept( [18:16:02 WARN]: at...
cannot buy iron and diamond armor
SBA-1.5.6-SNAPSHOT-build-306 Minecraft: Paper 1.17.1 Java: 16 [11:36:03 INFO]: [SBA] Loading SBA v1.5.6-SNAPSHOT [11:36:04 WARN]: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot assign field "level" because "io.github.pronze.sba.utils.Logger.instance" is null [11:36:04 WARN]: at SBA-1.5.6-SNAPSHOT-all.jar//io.github.pronze.sba.utils.Logger.setMode( [11:36:04 WARN]: at...
After installing SBA 1.5.5 the shop sounds vanished. Help, please.
updated stores are not showing up for me when i set an older store then it isnt visible when playing a game
Hello, First of all great plugin.But the generator does not share iron and gold with the players.Only one person gets the thing.Pls help me with this
I Don't Know if this is an issue or what but I want when 2 players are in the iron generator they both will get iron at the same time.......