Andrej Mihajlov

Results 93 issues of Andrej Mihajlov

1. `pod try RJImageLoader` opens broken project. 2. trying out pod in app, animation runs once, then on second run it is inversed and finally after that it's completely gone....

Hi, Is it possible to disable the output of line numbers in references field? The idea behind is to reduce the amount of noise in gettext catalogues because our codebase...


Hi, Trying to extract the multine comment that goes as this: ``` /* TRANSLATORS: Line 1 Line 2 */ pgettext('context', 'key') ``` Using the following options for `comments`: ``` {...


Would be ace if it was possible to provide a custom view for SVProgressHUD.


This is my .babelrc ``` { "presets": ["es2015", "stage-0", "react"], "plugins": ["transform-decorators-legacy", "transform-runtime"], "sourceMaps": true, "retainLines": true } ``` However when running babel source maps are not being generated: ```babel...

help wanted
area: sourcemaps
pkg: cli

Hi, I've been playing around the Combine framework and mixing it with Operations a bit. First thing that stands out is that the errors are properly typed compared to ProcedureKit...

As described in the linked issue, `bind(to: InputProcedure)` does not call `didSetInputReady` which causes issues if the procedure, that receives the input, uses `bind(to: ..)` internally to proxy the same...

Hi, `func bind(to target: T) where T.Input == Self.Input` relies on `didSetInput` observer. Yet when it binds the input to the target, it does not notify the target that it...

I get a lot of errors like this with Xcode 8.3.3 @ ProcedureKit 4.2.0 ``` Failure to deallocate CLLocationManager on the same runloop as its creation may result in a...

Hi, Even though I see that the old methods of `ProcedureObserver` are marked as deprecated, they don't really trigger any warnings from Xcode 10, which is weird. So I wonder...