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Prompt Engineering | Prompt Versioning | Use GPT or other prompt based models to get structured output. Join our discord for Prompt-Engineering, LLMs and other latest research


Prompt Engineering, Solve NLP Problems with LLM's & Easily generate different NLP Task prompts for popular generative models like GPT, PaLM, and more with Promptify

Promptify is released under the Apache 2.0 license. PyPI version Community colab


With pip

This repository is tested on Python 3.7+, openai 0.25+.

You should install Promptify using Pip command

pip3 install promptify

Quick tour

To immediately use a LLM model for your NLP task, we provide the Prompter API.

from promptify import OpenAI
from promptify import Prompter

sentence     =  "The patient is a 93-year-old female with a medical  				 
                history of chronic right hip pain, osteoporosis,					
                hypertension, depression, and chronic atrial						
                fibrillation admitted for evaluation and management				
                of severe nausea and vomiting and urinary tract				

model        = OpenAI(api_key)
nlp_prompter = Prompter(model)

result       ='ner.jinja',
                          domain      = 'medical',
                          text_input  = sentence)
### Output

[{'E': '93-year-old', 'T': 'Age'},
 {'E': 'chronic right hip pain', 'T': 'Medical Condition'},
 {'E': 'osteoporosis', 'T': 'Medical Condition'},
 {'E': 'hypertension', 'T': 'Medical Condition'},
 {'E': 'depression', 'T': 'Medical Condition'},
 {'E': 'chronic atrial fibrillation', 'T': 'Medical Condition'},
 {'E': 'severe nausea and vomiting', 'T': 'Symptom'},
 {'E': 'urinary tract infection', 'T': 'Medical Condition'},
 {'Branch': 'Internal Medicine', 'Group': 'Geriatrics'}]

GPT-3 Example with NER, MultiLabel, Question Generation Task

Features 🎮

  • Perform NLP tasks (such as NER and classification) in just 2 lines of code, with no training data required
  • Easily add one shot, two shot, or few shot examples to the prompt
  • Handling out-of-bounds prediction from LLMS (GPT, t5, etc.)
  • Output always provided as a Python object (e.g. list, dictionary) for easy parsing and filtering. This is a major advantage over LLMs generated output, whose unstructured and raw output makes it difficult to use in business or other applications.
  • Custom examples and samples can be easily added to the prompt
  • Optimized prompts to reduce OpenAI token costs (coming soon)

Supporting wide-range of Prompt-Based NLP tasks :

Task Name Colab Notebook Status
Named Entity Recognition NER Examples with GPT-3
Multi-Label Text Classification Classification Examples with GPT-3
Multi-Class Text Classification Classification Examples with GPT-3
Binary Text Classification Classification Examples with GPT-3
Question-Answering QA Task Examples with GPT-3
Question-Answer Generation QA Task Examples with GPT-3
Summarization Summarization Task Examples with GPT-3
Explanation Explanation Task Examples with GPT-3
Tabular Data
Image Data
More Prompts

💁 Contributing

We welcome any contributions to our open source project, including new features, improvements to infrastructure, and more comprehensive documentation. Please see the contributing guidelines