prometheus-net icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
prometheus-net copied to clipboard

Need cache support

Open imclint21 opened this issue 9 months ago • 2 comments


In modern app services, we have many instances of our app that is served, so I guess prometheus-net need to provide a kind of support of Azure Cache for Redis by example!


imclint21 avatar Nov 18 '23 21:11 imclint21

Metrics should be scraped from each instance of your app. Then you use PromQL to sum up the totals. This works no matter how many instances of your app you have.

dlidstrom avatar Nov 21 '23 09:11 dlidstrom

Interesting idea, i'll look deeply — but anyway I guess store it in a redis instance is not a bad idea also

imclint21 avatar Nov 21 '23 16:11 imclint21