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[kube-prometheus-stack] Frequent errors for alert rule KubeAggregatedAPIErrors (aggregator_unavailable_apiservice_total)

Open johnswarbrick-napier opened this issue 1 year ago • 12 comments

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Hi -

Running the latest kube-prometheus-stack 47.0.0 on Azure AKS I'm getting frequent alerts for bundled rule KubeAggregatedAPIErrors:


It's firing regularly across >100 Azure AKS clusters, but I don't know if this is a true error or a false positive.

What does this alert mean, and do I need to tune or even disable it?

Thanks in advance! :)

What's your helm version?

version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.12.1", GitCommit:"f32a527a060157990e2aa86bf45010dfb3cc8b8d", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.20.4"}

What's your kubectl version?

Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"27", GitVersion:"v1.27.2", GitCommit:"7f6f68fdabc4df88cfea2dcf9a19b2b830f1e647", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2023-05-17T14:20:07Z", GoVersion:"go1.20.4", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

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sum by (name, namespace, cluster) (increase(aggregator_unavailable_apiservice_total[10m])) > 4

Anything else we need to know?

No response

johnswarbrick-napier avatar Jun 30 '23 23:06 johnswarbrick-napier

+1 The same here on k3s installed on Hetzner bare-metal servers

kladiv avatar Jul 18 '23 05:07 kladiv

Any feedback on this issue

PhilipNO avatar Aug 10 '23 03:08 PhilipNO

Also interested in more info about this.

So far we've had the following:

  • The metric-server was often crashlooping, so we gave it more resources (azure support gave us some instructions on how to do so: here)
  • The crashlooping stopped, however this error is still triggering 'often'
    • (We only messed with the memory portion of the metric server)
  • After some investigation, it seems the metric-server is sometimes being 'cpu throttled', this appears to correlate with the timings of these alerts


We are going to increase the cpu configs for the metric server and see if this 'helps'.

In the metric server logs we can't see anything 'strange' except a whole bunch of:

E0909 01:06:44.237015       1 nanny_lib.go:130] Get "https://xxx.hcp.westeurope.azmk8s.io:443/api/v1/nodes?resourceVersion=0": net/http: TLS handshake timeout

However these do not 'correlate' with the cpu thottling / timing of the alerts

Vandersteen avatar Sep 11 '23 12:09 Vandersteen

We found a correlation between the KubeAggregatedAPIErrors alerts and what appear to be huge spikes in requests to the Kubernetes API:


However we have not been able to identify the source of these huge spikes, and they only seem to appear on Azure AKS.

We raised a ticket with Microsoft support, but after some initial analysis they went very quiet and we haven't made any further progress.

johnswarbrick-napier avatar Sep 11 '23 14:09 johnswarbrick-napier

the same here

chencivalue avatar Sep 14 '23 09:09 chencivalue

@chencivalue - are you running Strimzi Kafka in your AKS cluster?

johnswarbrick-napier avatar Sep 14 '23 09:09 johnswarbrick-napier

@johnswarbrick-napier no but im using kafka-18.3.1 helm chart

chencivalue avatar Sep 14 '23 10:09 chencivalue

Might be related:


Vandersteen avatar Sep 18 '23 08:09 Vandersteen

We have same thing in GKS 1.26

elghazal-a avatar Jan 22 '24 12:01 elghazal-a

Hi, i'm experiencing the same issue on AKS with K8S v1.29.2.

I see that your thoughts are directed to metric-server too, so i'll communicate my observations.

Metric server is using the aggregated API layer of Kubernetes.

  • For this, an AKS basic installation seems to declare a PATH of the Kubernetes API (Using an ApiService Object) for k8s API-Server to forward the path directly to the extended API server of metric server.
    • In my case, the metric-server ApiService Object is the only one NOT using "Local" as a service in opposite to all others.
    • Maybe it's your case too ?
    • This COULD justify real latency beetween api server and metric server but i'm failing trying to prove it actually.

K8S documentation about aggregated layer strongly advise to observe less than 5s of latency beetween API Server and extended API Server. https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/api-extension/apiserver-aggregation/#response-latency

This issue could be opened or mentionned elsewhere as the prometheus alert from the runbook (KubeAggregatedAPIErrors) seems legit.

In my case, the APIService events send a failDiscoveryCheck on v1.beta.metrics.k8s.io/

damienvergnaud avatar Apr 22 '24 17:04 damienvergnaud

We noticed a strong correlation in this issue with KEDA certs rotation. (We are running KEDA on AKS) Unfortunately, fixing the certs rotation issue did not stop the KubeAggregatedAPIErrors !

jfouche-vendavo avatar Aug 06 '24 10:08 jfouche-vendavo

UPDATE: FYI I have disabled cert rotation on Keda as above but this does not fix the KubeAggregatedAPIErrors. These errors must be happening elsewhere (possibly not on KEDA).

jfouche-vendavo avatar Aug 07 '24 14:08 jfouche-vendavo