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Based on `Kubernetes: The Hard Way` by Kelsey Hightower but made of Ansible playbook

Kubernetes: The Ansible Way

Based on Kubernetes: The Hard Way by Kelsey Hightower but made of Ansible playbook alongside with roles.


This tutorial doesn't use Google Cloud or any other IaaS: I had to focus on Kubernetes components to proceed on bare metal instances and I wanted to deep dive in installing and configuring a cluster.

Use the simple Vagrantfile to create some local VMs and use them without relying on any cloud provider: some extra options had to be implemented due to some issues with Vagrant (especially with NAT interface).


  • Mac OS X: brew is required for installing SSL utility tools instead (cfssl and cfssljson)

Vagrant: private and public addresses

Since Vagrant uses eth0 as NAT interface you have to customize Private and Public addreses using host-level variables: in case of adoption over a cloud provider you have to fill just one between public or private one.