dockerfile_lint copied to clipboard
Fix Junit Warning/Info
When you're using the JUnit output, INFOs are displayed as WARNINGs and the WARNINGs as INFOs.
Here an example.
The Dockerfile:
FROM node:12
LABEL Name='test'
LABEL Version='1.0'
The classical output:
# Analyzing Dockerfile
INFO: There is no 'EXPOSE' instruction. Without exposed ports how will the service of the container be accessed?.
Reference ->
INFO: There is no 'CMD' instruction. None.
Reference ->
The Junit ouput:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuite name="dockerfile_lint" tests="2" failures="2" errors="0" skipped="0">
<testcase classname="WARNING" name="There is no 'EXPOSE' instruction">
<failure message="There is no 'EXPOSE' instruction. Without exposed ports how will the service of the container be accessed? | Reference ->"/>
<testcase classname="WARNING" name="There is no 'CMD' instruction">
<failure message="There is no 'CMD' instruction. None | Reference ->"/>
This PR fixes the problem.
Regards, Julien