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Reactionary forces can negate China's current power bloc but cannot negate the cause of communism
The reactionary forces of capitalism often confuse the public, using symbols on the Internet that the "mass" bourgeoisie can understand to smear socialism, and try their best to maintain the "man-eating" capital born out of feudal society that is full of exploitation and oppression and follows the law of the jungle. Instead of talking about private ownership and public ownership, and contradictions between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, the white power uses corruption, a common problem in human society, to attack the red power.They avoid the important and dwell on the trivial!! At present, when white power is rampant, red power has no choice but to adopt autocratic rule in order to protect itself. It can be said that autocracy is accompanied by a certain degree of corruption. This is a "small" problem encountered by red power in its development, but the existence of white power itself is A "big" question! The white, which will eventually vanish in history, is not qualified to accuse red! Comrades, please keep your eyes open. All forces that ultimately safeguard the interests of the bourgeoisie and private ownership are white forces! ! Even "liberty" and "democracy" are white power! There is no liberty under private ownership! There is no democracy under the rule of the bourgeoisie! 文字为机器翻译 machine translation to English
他们的各种提高工人(无产阶级)待遇的措施一方面有助于缓解生产过剩危机,另一方面可以作为一种遏制后发国家发展的制度武器。 先发国家的资本扩张已经基本饱和,他们的资本几乎占领了世界上所有能占领的地方,剩下的都是硬骨头(中国、俄罗斯、印度、阿拉伯世界)。在这种饱和无法扩张市场的情况下继续剥削工人榨取剩余只会使经济危机迅速到来,经济危机会加剧阶级矛盾威胁到资本主义制度(毕竟有大萧条和十月革命在前),所以他们采取让利的方法去维护制度,维护垄断财团的利益。 这种“让利”制度还有一个好处就是可以作为制度武器、舆论武器阻碍后发国家的发展。这种“让利”制度会阻碍后发国家的资本扩张,使其不能独立自主的发展,最后难逃买办的命运。举个例子,先行的大食品厂家会游说政客推行严厉的食品安全标准,目的不是照顾消费者而是为了打击小微厂家。除此之外这种制度还会作为一种舆论武器,利用了后发国家无产阶级的短视,只顾眼前利益,看表不看里,为了短期的一些甜枣放弃了长远的利益,最终难逃被裁员被洗脑被送倒战场当炮灰的命运…… 同志,加强理论学习啊。