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An Instagram API for Go
instago is a simple and easy to use Go library that simplifies communicating with the Instagram JSON API. I currently only intend for it to use the public functions of the Instagram API that don't require user authentication, however I support some of them if you have an access token.
To use this library, clone the repo into your Go workspace and have a look at some of the demo apps. You'll need to build and install the instago package and get an Instagram API developer ID. Paste your client ID in a file called config.txt in the demos folder to run the samples.
Implemented methods:
- /tags/tagname/media/recent
- /tags/tagname
- /tags/search
- /users/user-id
- /users/search
- /media/media-id
- /media/popular
- /media/search
- /locations/location-id
- /locations/location-id/media/recent
- /locations/search/
Implemented methods that require OAuth (not demoed):
- /users/user-id/media/recent
- /users/self/feed
- /users/self/media/liked
##License It's Apache. See the LICENSE file.