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The repository and website hosting the peer review process for new Programming Historian lessons
Programming Historian Submission Readme
To propose a lesson, please contact an editor that you would like to work with or write directly to our Managing Editor in English, Alex Wermer-Colan.
Before submitting a proposal, consult our author guidelines and look over our published lessons and our publishing pipeline.
For Contributors
After your lesson has been accepted into our review process, your assigned editor will work with you to upload your lesson to this ph-submissions repository.
For more information, see our author guidelines and editor guidelines. Our translation guidelines are currently being updated.
File Formatting
We publish all our lessons in Markdown. Lessons should be titled: "lesson-name". The lesson markdown file will be uploaded to the corresponding language folder (for example, "en"), and placed either in the drafts/originals directory or the drafts/translations directory. Sample lessons, with proper yaml header, can be viewed in these directories.
Image files should be named: "lesson-image-1", "lesson-image-2". Image files go in the images directory, inside a folder named with the same slug as your lesson.
Viewing Lessons
The live URL for the English lessons in the publishing pipeline: