overload-operator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
overload-operator copied to clipboard

haxe macros experiment

Looks Simn fork first - https://github.com/Simn/hxop

haXe operator overloading tool (alpha)


@op(operator, [commutative=false])

@noOverload - ignore

Support operators

+ - * / % += -= *= /= %=
< > == != <= >=
& && | || ^ ! 
<< >> <<< ~
++x x++ --x x-- -x 

Demo code:

  • ComplexMath.hx

@op("+", true) inline static public function add(a:Complex, b:Complex):Complex
	return new Complex(a.re + b.re, a.im + b.im);

@op("+", true) inline static public function addFloat(a:Complex, b:Float):Complex
	return new Complex(a.re + b, a.im);

@op("-x") inline static public function neg(a:Complex):Complex
	a.re = -a.re;
	a.im = -a.im;
	return a;

@op("/=", true) inline static public function idiv(a:Complex, b:Complex):Complex
	var are = a.re;
	var bre = b.re;
	var div = 1 / (bre * bre + b.im * b.im);
	a.re = (are * bre + a.im * b.im) * div;
	a.im = (are * b.im + a.im * bre) * div;
	return a;

@op("==", true) public static function eq(a:Complex, b:Complex):Bool
	return a.re == b.re && a.im == b.im;
  • Main.hx
class Main implements IOverloadOperator<ComplexMath>
	// noOverload - ignore this method
	@noOverload static public function main() 
		new Main();
	public function new()
		var c = new Complex(0, 1);
		c *= new Complex(0, 1);  // c = ComplexMath.imult(c, new Complex(0, 1));

Supported maths