Fernando Hamasaki de Amorim
Fernando Hamasaki de Amorim
Currently the response is an empty hash with no information about the error. Some examples: ``` irb(main):014:0> Correios::CEP::AddressFinder.get('11111111') I, [2021-04-04T17:34:31.227034 #31065] INFO -- : > POST https://apps.correios.com.br/SigepMasterJPA/AtendeClienteService/AtendeCliente D, [2021-04-04T17:34:31.227074 #31065]...
Check if it is necessary to be more defensive to avoid errors like https://github.com/prodis/correios-cep/pull/21 where Correios API response missed one attribute in XML response.
Configuration can be: - Default - Via application config - Via function parameters
- [ ] Ruby 2.5 - [ ] Ruby 2.6 - [ ] Ruby 2.7 Check: https://evilmartians.com/chronicles/ruby-next-make-all-rubies-quack-alike.
- [ ] Ruby 2.5 - [ ] Ruby 2.6 - [ ] Ruby 2.7 Check: https://evilmartians.com/chronicles/ruby-next-make-all-rubies-quack-alike
Check: https://evilmartians.com/chronicles/ruby-next-make-all-rubies-quack-alike.