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Better errors
I came across several issues when writing Blueprinter classes.
When there are issues in the Blueprint, the error message are not very expressive and debugging is hard. See following example:
class ErrorBlueprint < Blueprinter::Base
view :with_invalid_field do
field :no_such_method
view :with_invalid_included_view do
include_view :not_existing
When calling
ErrorBlueprint.render(, view: :with_invalid_field)
you get a
NoMethodError: undefined method `no_such_method' for #Object:0x00007fc665c0d1a8
The second case is even worse:
NoMethodError: undefined method `fields' for nil:NilClass
I opened a PR for this #254
Then a BlueprinterError is raised with more expressive messages:
Blueprinter::BlueprinterError: The included view not_existing does not exist - Called from view with_invalid_included_view from /home/wwedelich/git/blueprinter/lib/blueprinter/view_collection.rb:55:in `block in sortable_fields'
Blueprinter::BlueprinterError: Error when extracting value. Blueprint: 'ErrorBlueprint'; View: 'with_invalid_field'; Field: 'no_such_method' from /home/wwedelich/git/blueprinter/lib/blueprinter/helpers/base_helpers.rb:51:in
rescue in block in object_to_hash' Caused by NoMethodError: undefined method
no_such_method' for #Object:0x00005576c088f270