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Add attributes to script tags in admin theme.
Short description of the enhancement
Be able to add attributes to script tags in admin theme.
Optional: Steps that explain the enhancement
Hi @ryancramerdesign !
Recently had a conversation with a couple forum members on the topic of being able to add attributes to script tags. This issue came about when talking about using Alpine.js for the development of a ProcessWire Inputfield, and the requirement of Alpine to be installed with the deferred attribute.
I am not sure is this is the right approach to make the tags output configurable but nonetheless decided to give it a shot, as one of the forum members (kongondo) proposed.
So in the Inputfield modules we could do something like:
public function renderReady(Inputfield $parent = null, $renderValueMode = false){
$this->config->scripts->add("[email protected]/dist/cdn.min.js",
['defer' => true]
parent::renderReady($parent, $renderValueMode);
@elabx Sounds like a good idea, maybe we should implement something similar. I wanted to mention that if this is for the admin, this is something you can already do in a different way:
$src = "[email protected]/dist/cdn.min.js";
$this->wire()->adminTheme->addExtraMarkup('head', "<script src='$src' defer></script>");
For an Inputfield that might be used outside the admin, the script can also be included in the output from the ___render() method. But having an attributes option would be nicer, I'll look into it.
@ryancramerdesign if you add this could you please also support string syntax? It's an easy addition (actually I think the array syntax is supposed to be the addition and string is the default) but so much easier to write/read:
$config->scripts->add('myscript.js', 'defer');
// instead of
$config->scripts->add('myscript.js', ['defer' => true]);
The string syntax would also work for something like this:
$scripts->add("", 'integrity="sha256-o88AwQnZB+VDvE9tvIXrMQaPlFFSUTR+nldQm1LuPXQ=" crossorigin="anonymous"');
This also has the benefit that you can copy&paste everything from the CDN site (eg With array syntax you need to reformat everything after copy&pasting.
I also wanted to create a similar issue for a long time, because I needed to integrate scripts (custom scripts, and alpine or tabulator) in the admin as ES modules (type="module") so I can use imports in them. Didn't had the time to create that issue yet.
Here is my solution, that I used until now:
$this->addHookAfter('AdminTheme::getExtraMarkup', $this, 'addFieldJs');
function addFieldJs(HookEvent $event) {
bd("hook addFieldJs");
$parts = $event->return;
$file = $this->tabulator->assetUrl($this->files_path . $this->field->name . '.js');
$out = "<script src='{$file}' type='module'></script>";
$parts['body'] = $out;
$event->return = $parts;
I would love to see the string syntax in favor of an array based syntax like @BernhardBaumrock mentioned.
I updated the PR to reflect also the usage of a string syntax, seems nicer imho, I vote for @BernhardBaumrock 's suggestion.
It seems, this didn't ever got merged?