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Add custom metadata from JWT fields to c2s state

Open pouriya opened this issue 4 years ago • 5 comments

Describe the solution you'd like something like:

{NewC2SState, NewAuthResult} = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(
    {C2SState, AuthResult=true},

So I can check my custom metadata in given fields and update state and so on.

Describe alternatives you've considered Since ejabberd_c2s uses ejabberd_auth:* API and the entire API does not accept C2SState, We can not put above hook here. So I think the fastest (and dirtiest) way is using for example c2s_handle_recv hook and check if auth method for detected server is JWT, if yes then I have to check JWT myself and it's error prone !

pouriya avatar Apr 25 '20 14:04 pouriya


pouriya avatar Jun 05 '20 13:06 pouriya

Did you add that to your local ejabberd deployment? In what file did you add it?

badlop avatar Aug 24 '21 11:08 badlop

@pouriya: Have you seen the @badlop comment?

Neustradamus avatar Sep 16 '21 21:09 Neustradamus

Hi. Sorry for late reply.
@badlop I currently use process dictionary to keep decoded JWT in ejabberd_auth_jwt and add it in c2s state after success authentication AND I KNOW it's dirty 👎🏼 .

But I am thinking of:

% ejabberd_c2s.erl

% ...

check_password_fun(<<"X-OAUTH2">>, #{lserver := LServer}) ->
    Pid = self(),
    fun(User, _AuthzId, Token) ->
        Res = case ejabberd_oauth:check_token(User, LServer, [<<"sasl_auth">>], Token) of
            true -> {true, ejabberd_oauth};
            _ -> {false, ejabberd_oauth}
        ejabberd_hooks:run(c2s_check_password_result, LServer, [Res, User, LServer, Token, Pid]),
check_password_fun(_Mech, #{lserver := LServer}) ->
    Pid = self(),
    fun(U, AuthzId, P) ->
            Res = ejabberd_auth:check_password_with_authmodule(U, AuthzId, LServer, P),
            ejabberd_hooks:run(c2s_check_password_result, LServer, [Res, User, LServer, P, Pid]),

check_password_digest_fun(_Mech, #{lserver := LServer}) ->
    Pid = self(),
    fun(U, AuthzId, P, D, DG) ->
        Res = ejabberd_auth:check_password_with_authmodule(U, AuthzId, LServer, P, D, DG),
        ejabberd_hooks:run(c2s_check_password_result, LServer, [Res, User, LServer, P, Pid]),

% ...


% ejabberd_auth_jwt.erl

% ...

start(Host) ->
    % ...
    ejabberd_hooks:add(c2s_check_password_result, Host, ?MODULE, send_decoded_jwt_fields, 50),
    ejabberd_hooks:add(c2s_handle_info, Host, ?MODULE, c2s_handle_info_jwt_fields, 50),
    % ...

send_decoded_jwt_fields({true, ?MODULE}=Ret, User, Server, Password, Pid) ->
    {true, {jose_jwt, Fields}, _} = jose_jwt:verify(JWK, Password), 
    ejabberd_cluster:send(Pid, {jwt_fields, Fields}),
send_decoded_jwt_fields(Acc, _, _, _, _) ->

c2s_handle_info_jwt_fields(State, {jwt_fields, Fields}) ->
    {stop, ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(process_decoded_jwt, LServer, State, [Fields])};
c2s_handle_info_jwt_fields(Acc, _) ->

% ...

Keeping Fields in process dictionary currently works for me. I'm not sure but I think in above code I'm sending Fields to self(). If this is correct, So we can leave ejabberd_c2s.erl unchanged and simply do:

% ejabberd_auth_jwt.erl

% ...

start(Host) ->
    % ...
    ejabberd_hooks:add(c2s_handle_info, Host, ?MODULE, c2s_handle_info_jwt_fields, 50),
    % ...

% ...

c2s_handle_info_jwt_fields(State, {jwt_fields, Fields}) ->
    {stop, ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(process_decoded_jwt, LServer, State, [Fields])};
c2s_handle_info_jwt_fields(Acc, _) ->

% ...

%%% Internal functions
check_jwt_token(User, Server, Token) ->
    % ...
    Ret = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(
        [Fields, Signature, Server, User]
    Ret == true andalso ejabberd_cluster:send(self(), {jwt_fields, Fields}),
    % ...

pouriya avatar Sep 16 '21 23:09 pouriya

If the only file to change is ejabberd_auth_jwt.erl, then it will be quite easy and safe to include. Check if that's the case.

If ejabberd_c2s.erl requires changes, and they are only adding calls to ejabberd_hooks:run, it seems small changes and could quite safe too.

badlop avatar Sep 21 '21 11:09 badlop