processing-android copied to clipboard
OpenGL error 1280 on android 8.0
On: Processing 3.3.7 Max OSX 10.13.5 Samsung S7 Android 8.0.0
void setup(){
void draw(){}
get this error on the consolle with the sketch above already running
OpenGL error 1280 at bot beginDraw(): invalid enum
If i try with an old phone on Android 6.0 the error there isn't
This is what list on SDK updater:
Android SDK Platform 26 | 2 | Android SDK Build-Tools | 26.0.3 | Android SDK Tools | 26.1.1 | Android SDK Platform-Tools | 28.0.0 |
I already try to edit the Processing Android SDK folder with the SDK Manager on Android Studio to downgrade the one installed by the default by Processing, but every time Processing restarts to ask me to download it again automatically message... Could someone help me to understand what is going on and hopefully how to fix it?
Hello! If you add some drawing function to draw(), do you still get the invalid enum error? For example:
void setup() {
void draw() {
Hi! yes, the same result..
Ok, thanks a lot for checking! Other than the error message, have you seen any visual glitches or rendering issues?
I suspect that it is slowing down performance during execution, while others tested it without any issue But i can't be sure at the moment, currently i sure have this performance problem and it might the renderer. So I try to check every weak point, if you need i can send you the project in pvt. But i know that my sketch work without consolle error on other computers with other phones. Thanks a lot for support!
I have to correct myself the error is also present using an Android 6.0 device On another computer with an older installation of android mode the error not appear That machine shows into SDK updater:
Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.2 Android SDK Build-Tools | 26.0.3 Android SDK Tools 26.1.1 Android SDK Platform-Tools 27.0.1
while I have a fresh installation with: Android SDK Platform-Tools | 28.0.0 |
This is all i collect for the moment without understand how to do with this probably SDK issue.
@chanof Haven't seen the OpenGL error 1280 on my devices with Android 8. What phone are you using?