processing-android copied to clipboard
OpenGL error 1280 at bot beginDraw(): invalid enum [Cardboard]
Origional report.
Update: I was able to narrow the error down to #53 .
I have tested this simple code:
PImage img;
void setup () {
//size(800, 800, P3D);
img = loadImage("D:/Processing_app/image_exercises/exercies01/data/Image00001.jpg"); // replace the image
void draw() {
translate(width/2, height/2);
rotateX(map(mouseX, -width/2, width/2, 0, TWO_PI));
rotateY(map(mouseY, -height/2, height/2, 0, TWO_PI));
Hi, thanks for your report.
However, I run both code samples (the one above, and the one posted on the forum) and didn't observe any errors. They appear to work as expected.
What version of the mode are you using? Also, what device and Android version?
Hello. I am running Android Mode3.0.2. Installed via Contribution Manager; Processing 3.2.3 ; Android SDK API 7.1.1 (25); Win10 64;
My android device,HUAWEI GRA-CL100, is on Android 6.0 Update: Just tested on another Android device, Honor SCL-AL100, Android is 5.1.1, same issue.
Hi, tried again both sketches with Processing 3.2.4, Android Mode 3.0.2 and Android SDKs API 6.0 (23) and 7.1.1 (25), on a Moto E with Android 5.1.1 and a N5X with Android 7.1.1. I haven't seen any error.
The only significant different is that I'm using Mac OSX 10.10.5, but I don't think that would affect the execution of the sketches on the devices. I will try from a Windows 10 machine later.
Do you get similar GL errors with other sketches?
Just to complete this report. I have the same error with a fresh install of Processing 3.2.4, Android Mode 0257, Android SDK API 6.0 (23) and the Cardboard Cube example running on Nexus 5 X with Android 7.1.1
Running from a MacOS 10.12.3
It's not a blocking error. The sketch is running on the device. Starting an empty sketch does not produce the error.
Update: Hi codeanticode, I put the image into sketch 'data' folder, now it works.
img = loadImage("D:/Processing_app/image_exercises/exercies01/data/Image00001.jpg"); // replace the image
However, the annoy message "OpenGL error 1280 at bot beginDraw(): invalid enum" still on processing console.
Hi, I can reproduce the OpenGL error when running the sketch as a cardboard app. I will look into it. Thanks!
I also have the error, in case you need something tested some day.