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A R package for visualizing process execution data on BPMN diagrams


bpmnVisualizationR is an R package for visualizing process execution data on BPMN diagrams, using overlays, style customization and interactions.

It is made possible by htmlwidgets, which provides an easy-to-use framework for bringing together R and the bpmn-visualization TypeScript library.

♻️ Usage


Install devtools

Devtools is an R package used to ease the installation and the development of other R packages.
It can be installed from the R console:


Install bpmnVisualizationR


The latest stable version of the bpmnVisualizationR package can be obtained from CRAN with the command:

From GitHub

To install a dedicated version (available versions can be found in the GitHub releases page), run:

devtools::install_github("process-analytics/[email protected]")

Or install the development version:


Then, make the library available to the current R project:


Load the BPMN file

bpmnVisualizationR accepts a BPMN file (or an XML document):

# File from the package
bpmn_file <- system.file("examples/Email_Voting.bpmn", package = "bpmnVisualizationR")


bpmn_file <- file.choose()


bpmn_file <- "path_to_bpmn_file"


bpmn_file <- "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> ...xml_content"

💡 The package provides some BPMN examples.
They are taken from the BPMN 2.0 examples non-normative machine-readable files.

  • Email_Voting.bpmn
  • Nobel_Prize_Process.bpmn
  • Order_Management.bpmn
  • Order_Process_for_Pizza_V4.bpmn
  • Travel_Booking.bpmn

Display the BPMN diagram


Display the BPMN diagram with overlays

overlays <- list(bpmnVisualizationR::create_overlay("bpmn_element_id_1", "42"), 
                 bpmnVisualizationR::create_overlay("bpmn_element_id_2", "9"))
bpmnVisualizationR::display(bpmn_file, overlays)

Style an overlay

style <- bpmnVisualizationR::create_overlay_style(
  font_color = 'WhiteSmoke',
  font_size = 19,
  fill_color = 'Teal',
  stroke_color = 'SpringGreen'

overlay <- bpmnVisualizationR::create_overlay("bpmn_element_id_1", "42", style, "middle-right")

ℹ️ To see more information about the value of position in bpmn-visualization-js library, please visit https://process-analytics.github.io/bpmn-visualization-js/api/types/OverlayPosition.html.

Disable the default styles of the overlays

bpmnVisualizationR::display(bpmn_file, overlays, enableDefaultOverlayStyle=FALSE)

Style BPMN shapes

bpmnElementStyles <- list(
    elementIds = list("call_activity_1_1"),
    stroke_color = 'RoyalBlue',
    font_color = 'DarkOrange',
    font_family = 'Arial',
    font_size = 12,
    font_bold = TRUE,
    font_italic = TRUE,
    font_strike_through = TRUE,
    font_underline = TRUE,
    opacity = 75,
    fill_color = 'Yellow',
    fill_opacity = 50
    elementIds = list("start_event_1_1"),
    stroke_color = 'DeepPink',
    stroke_width = 3,
    stroke_opacity = 70,
    font_color = 'ForestGreen',
    font_family = 'Courier New',
    font_size = 14,
    font_bold = TRUE,
    font_italic = TRUE,
    font_strike_through = FALSE,
    font_underline = FALSE,
    font_opacity = 80,
    opacity = 80

  bpmnElementStyles = bpmnElementStyles,

ℹ️ It is possible to apply styles to both BPMN edges and shapes simultaneously by adding them to the shared bpmnElementStyles list.

Style BPMN edges

bpmnElementStyles <- list(
    elementIds = list("message_flow_1_1"),
    stroke_color = 'RoyalBlue',
    font_color = 'DarkOrange',
    font_family = 'Arial',
    font_size = 12,
    font_bold = TRUE,
    font_italic = TRUE,
    font_strike_through = TRUE,
    font_underline = TRUE,
    opacity = 75,
    fill_color = 'Yellow',
    fill_opacity = 50
    elementIds = list("sequence_flow_1_4"),
    stroke_color = 'DeepPink',
    stroke_width = 3,
    stroke_opacity = 70,
    font_color = 'ForestGreen',
    font_family = 'Courier New',
    font_size = 14,
    font_bold = TRUE,
    font_italic = TRUE,
    font_strike_through = FALSE,
    font_underline = FALSE,
    font_opacity = 80,
    opacity = 80

  bpmnElementStyles = bpmnElementStyles,

ℹ️ It is possible to apply styles to both BPMN edges and shapes simultaneously by adding them to the shared bpmnElementStyles list.

Integrate in Shiny Applications

The following displays a BPMN diagram provided as an example by the package with an overlay on top of a BPMN element.

# Install and load the shiny package

displayBpmn <- function() {
    bpmn_file <- system.file("examples/Travel_Booking.bpmn", package = "bpmnVisualizationR")
    style <- bpmnVisualizationR::create_overlay_style(
      font_color = 'Black',
      font_size = 25,
      fill_color = 'MediumSpringGreen',
      stroke_color = 'MediumSpringGreen'
    overlays <- list(bpmnVisualizationR::create_overlay("_6-203", "9", style, "bottom-right"))
    bpmnVisualizationR::display(bpmn_file, overlays)

ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
    titlePanel("Display bpmn diagrams with execution data"),

server = function(input, output) {
    # renderBpmnVisualization is the R bridge function to the html widgets
    output$bpmnContainer <- bpmnVisualizationR::renderBpmnVisualizationR({ displayBpmn() })

shinyApp(ui, server)

🔧 Contributing

To contribute to bpmnVisualizationR, fork and clone this repository locally and commit your code on a separate branch.
Please write tests for your code before opening a pull-request.

You can find more detail in our Contributing guide. Participation in this open source project is subject to a Code of Conduct.

✨ A BIG thanks to all our contributors 🙂

📃 License

bpmnVisualizationR is released under the Apache 2.0 license.
Copyright © from 2021, Bonitasoft S.A.