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Installation crashes in LogisticLossSimple
From [email protected] on November 23, 2010 14:44:22
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Follow the installation instruction: 2. Macintosh; matlab ( R2009b ) 3. testPmtk3 crashes. What is the expected output? What do you see instead? I expected the demos to run. Instead I get: ??? Undefined function or variable 'p'.
Error in ==> LogisticLossSimple at 16 Xw = X .* repmat(rowvec(weights), 1, p);
Sure enough, LogisticLossSimple refers to an undefined variable 'p'. What version / revision of the product are you using? On what operating system? MacOS 10.6.5 Please provide any additional information below. Here's the command history in matlab:
initPmtk3 initializing pmtk3 downloading GGM-GWishart.............done downloading SPAMS-1.02...............failed downloading bpca.....................done downloading dpmixturesTeh07..........done downloading ekfukf1.2................done downloading export_fig...............done downloading exportfig................done downloading fastICA-2.5..............done downloading fastfit..................done downloading gaimc1.0-graphAlgo.......done downloading glmnet-matlab............done downloading gpml-matlab..............done downloading graphViz4Matlab..........done downloading l1ls.....................done downloading lars.....................done downloading libdai-0.2.6.............done downloading liblinear-1.51...........done downloading libsvm-mat-2.9.1.........done downloading lightspeed2.3............done downloading markSchmidt-21june2010...done downloading matbugs..................done downloading matlabRlink..............done downloading mcmcdiag.................failed downloading mplp-1.0.................done downloading netlab3.3................done downloading onlineEM.................done downloading randraw..................done downloading sparseBayes2.0...........done downloading svmLightWindows..........done downloading vblinlogreg..............done welcome to pmtk3 testPmtk3 Checking for matlabTools.........PASSED Checking initialization..........PASSED Checking pmtkSupport packages....PASSED Checking pmtkData................downloading to /Users/don/Documents/MATLAB/MurphySimulator/pmtk3/data/ unzipped and loaded crabs.mat PASSED Checking for graphviz............Please install or upgrade graphViz Please install or upgrade graphViz Please install or upgrade graphViz Please install or upgrade graphViz Please install or upgrade graphViz FAILED Testing selected code............
nll = 6.9315 ??? Undefined function or variable 'p'.
Error in ==> LogisticLossSimple at 16 Xw = X .* repmat(rowvec(weights), 1, p);
Error in ==> logregFit>@(w)LogisticLossSimple(w,X,y,weights) at 101 loss = @(w) LogisticLossSimple(w, X, y, weights);
Error in ==> penalizedL2 at 13 [nll,g] = gradFunc(w,varargin{:});
Error in ==> logregFit>@(w)penalizedL2(w,loss,lambdaVec(:)) at 133 penloss = @(w)penalizedL2(w, loss, lambdaVec(:));
Error in ==> minFunc at 303 [f,g] = funObj(x,varargin{:});
Error in ==> logregFit at 135 [w, opt.finalObj, opt.exitflag, opt.output] = ...
Error in ==> logregL2FitTest at 19 model1 = logregFit(X, y01, 'lambda', lambda, 'preproc', pp, 'fitOptions', opts);
Error in ==> testPmtk3 at 66 logregL2FitTest;
Original issue:
From [email protected] on November 24, 2010 06:05:41
The November 23, 2010 Release fixed this problem. Thanks!