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Problem Running MatBugs.m
From [email protected] on November 16, 2010 19:19:14
Dear Sir / Madam,
I am using the matbugs interface you developed to run WinBugs from MatLab. However, in the last days, it start not to work as it appears the following image (in WinBugs) when i run it from MATLAB. I suppose the question is the way both softwares are communicating but don’t know, exactly, where the erro ris. Could you help me on that? I install WinBUGS in folder ‘C:/JCM/WinBugs14’, then i run the matbugs.m, by running the schools example and the WinBugs feedback is the one in atachment (MATLAB2009b and WINDOWS7).
Sincere regards,
Jose Matos
Attachment: image.png
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