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error casinoDemo
From [email protected] on May 23, 2012 08:05:55
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.modelEM = hmmFit(observed, nstates, 'discrete', ... 'maxIter', 1000, 'verbose', true, 'convTol', 1e-7, 'nRandomRestarts', 3); 2. 3. What is the expected output? What do you see instead? ??? Error using ==> normalize Too many input arguments.
Error in ==> discreteFit at 32 model.T = normalize(bsxfun(@plus, counts, colvec(alpha-1)), 1); What version / revision of the product are you using? On what operating system? pmtk3-3jan11. Windows 7. Matlab R2010a Please provide any additional information below.
Original issue:
From [email protected] on May 23, 2012 05:07:49
When I run runDemos everything worked fine. WHy do I receive this error when running the casinoDemo? Thank-you