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glmnet does not run on mac os X 64 bit
From murphyk2 on February 28, 2011 14:51:15
What steps will reproduce the problem? x=randn(100,20); y=randn(100,1); fit=glmnet(x,y); What is the expected output? What do you see instead? it shoudl return a struct. Instead it returns
x=randn(100,20); y=randn(100,1); fit=glmnet(x,y); ??? Invalid MEX-file '/Users/kpmurphy/pmtksupport/glmnet-matlab/glmnetMex.mexmaci64': dlopen(/Users/kpmurphy/pmtksupport/glmnet-matlab/glmnetMex.mexmaci64, 1): Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libgfortran.2.dylib Referenced from: /Users/kpmurphy/pmtksupport/glmnet-matlab/glmnetMex.mexmaci64 Reason: image not found.
Error in ==> glmnet at 254 [a0,ca,ia,nin,rsq,alm,nlp,jerr] = glmnetMex(parm,x,y,jd,vp,ne,nx,nlam,flmin,ulam,thresh,isd,weights,ka);
254 [a0,ca,ia,nin,rsq,alm,nlp,jerr] = glmnetMex(parm,x,y,jd,vp,ne,nx,nlam,flmin,ulam,thresh,isd,weights,ka); Please use labels and text to provide additional information. it cannot find this fortran library:
Original issue:
From [email protected] on June 13, 2011 17:21:23
I have the same issue, has anyone found a solution?
From [email protected] on June 13, 2011 17:34:12
Apparently this library /usr/local/lib/libgfortran.2.dylib is misplaced. Creating a symbolic link to the file in /usr/local/lib/ solved this issue for me. In my case, this library was available through an R install: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/lib/libgfortran.2.dylib
From [email protected] on November 27, 2012 16:00:56
I am running 64 bit Mac OSX 10.7.5 and Matlab 2012a. initPmtk3 is crashing on me at the glmnetMex line 254. No message is provided, Matlab just dissappears. I added a symbolic link as instructed to the same R.framework library described above so I now have an entry for libgfortran.2.dylib in /usr/local/lib. However I still get the same crash. Any ideas.
From [email protected] on May 18, 2013 14:07:14
It took me installing a symlink to /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.0/Resources/lib/libgfortran.2.dylib in the matlab directory that contains the libgfortran.3.dylib, i.e., /Applications/ . Finally glmnet runs. Haven't done extensive testing of features though.