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calling libsvm from matlab on MAC OS X i
From murphyk2 on February 28, 2011 14:49:18
- libsvm-mat-2.9.1 does not have .mexmaci64 binaries, and running 'make' does not create them What steps will reproduce the problem? x=randn(10,20); y=randn(10,1); model = svmFit(x, y, 'C', 1,'kernelParam', 1, 'kernel', 'rbf'); What is the expected output? What do you see instead? It should return a model struct. Instead I get this message
??? Undefined function or method 'libsvmTrain' for input arguments of type 'double'.
Error in ==> svmlibFit at 89 model = libsvmTrain(y, X, options);
Error in ==> svmFit at 147 model = fitFn(X, y, C, kernelParam, kernel, fitOptions{:}); Please use labels and text to provide additional information. svmFit chooses which svm solver to use: it could be libsvm, svmlight (windows only), or pure matlab (needs opt toolbox).
Currently this choice is made based on expected speed of the method, not based on the OS the user is using. This should be improved.
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