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Jax SSM Library

JSL: JAX State-Space models (SSM) Library


JSL is a JAX library for Bayesian inference in state space models. As of 2022-06-28, JSL is deprecated. You should use ssm-jax.


We assume you have already installed JAX and Tensorflow, since the details on how to do this depend on whether you have a CPU, GPU, etc. (This step is not necessary in Colab.)

Now install these packages:

!pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/google/flax.git
!pip install --upgrade tensorflow-probability
!pip install git+https://github.com/blackjax-devs/blackjax.git
!pip install git+https://github.com/deepmind/distrax.git

Then install JSL:

!pip install git+https://github.com/probml/jsl

Alternatively, you can clone the repo locally, into say ~/github/JSL, and then install it as a package, as follows:

!git clone https://github.com/probml/JSL.git
cd JSL
!pip install -e .

Running the demos

You can see how to use the library by looking at some of the demos. You can run the demos from inside a notebook like this

%run JSL/jsl/demos/kf_tracking.py
%run JSL/jsl/demos/hmm_casino_em_train.py

Or from inside an ipython shell like this

from jsl.demos import kf_tracking
figdict = kf_tracking.main()

Most of the demos create figures. If you want to save them (in both png and pdf format), you need to specify the FIGDIR environment variable, like this:

import os

from jsl.demos.plot_utils import savefig


Gerardo Durán-Martín (@gerdm), Aleyna Kara(@karalleyna), Kevin Murphy (@murphyk), Giles Harper-Donnelly (@gileshd), Peter Chang (@petergchang).