You can use ``AutoUpdater.CheckForUpdateEvent`` to get notified when the update is available. After that you can check the provided ``UpdateInfoEventArgs`` and implement your popup notification. I use this package to...
Compiling ZipExtractor for anything except .net framework 4.5 is completely broken at the moment. The resulting exe is not usable because it depends on .dll and .json files. AutoUpdater.NET only...
I have a stack of them... I think the only thing I might not have is TC1766. I also have a little device which allows to control the power to...
> > > Hi, > The code can only wotk with normal addressing now. But I have carefully read the ISO15765-2 specification, and adding extended addressing modes is not very...
When you initiate a send, then link status gets set to ISOTP_SEND_STATUS_INPROGRESS. This never changes unless it fails (ERROR) or completes (IDLE). So not sure where you see a problem....