Priti Desai

Results 66 issues of Priti Desai

web action has a list of parameters which are reserved and can not be manipulated by the user. If a user sends `__OW_METHOD`, `__OW_HEADERS`, and `__OW_PATH` as part of request...


OpenWhisk web actions has the ability to protect action parameters against accidental or intentional mutation in query or body parameters. Using the `final` annotation on an action seals all action...

Actions can be invoked via one of HTTP GET, PUT, DELETE, and POST. We are also looking at invocation using any one of these methods: PATCH, HEAD, and OPTIONS. Also,...

If a content-type header is not declared in the action result’s headers, the body is interpreted as `application/json` for non-string values, and `text/html` otherwise. When the `content-type` is defined, the...

OpenWhisk web actions may receive URL encoded form data `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` as input in addition to standard `application/json`. V.S. Knative web actions only accepts `application/json` data. We need to find a...

With OpenWhisk, a web action can be invoked using a URL that is structured as follows: ```https://{APIHOST}/api/v1/web/{QUALIFIED ACTION NAME}.{EXT}``` For example, ``` https://${APIHOST}/api/v1/web/guest/demo/hello.http``` The fully qualified name of an action...

Tekton resources are automatically assigned certain labels including the ones with ``. The labels are created and propagated from one resource to another using this group name to signify the...


As a quick fix in PR #1017, I have moved runtime `json` into `runtimes.go` but we want to bring back `runtimes.json` back to maintain portability of `wskdeploy` where for adding...


We have a use case of creating an action from a zip file after running set of bash commands, e.x: when an action directory contains index.js and package.json for node...

priority: medium

details to follow ...

priority: low