Pierre Riteau
Pierre Riteau
The Swift API supports listing containers only under specific accounts, so object store metrics only display containers of the project running the exporter (generally `admin`). This affects `openstack_object_store_bytes` and `openstack_object_store_objects`.
Version information is missing from v1.6.0 binaries: ``` openstack-exporter, version (branch: , revision: ) build user: build date: go version: go1.18.3 ``` This is repeatable using the documented build command:...
With release v1.4.0 I am getting the following error: ``` Failed to collect metric for exporter: nova, error: failed to collect metric: running_vms, error: CPUInfo has unexpected type: " source="exporter.go:122...
Would it be possible to provide release binaries for Linux aarch64? Thanks.
See https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/842709 for details. ``` TASK [bifrost : Starting bifrost deploy container] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************* fatal: [seed]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "msg": "'Traceback (most recent call last):\\n File \"/opt/kayobe/venvs/kolla-ansible/lib/python3.6/site-packages/docker/api/client.py\", line 268, in...
With `kayobe-config` stored under `config/src/kayobe-config`, it is easy to forget to make changes there and change the content of `etc/kayobe` instead. We should clone `kayobe-config` outside of the kayobe source...
``` TASK [Wait for the ironic node to be inspected] ************************************************************************************************************************************* fatal: [controller0]: FAILED! => {"msg": "Unexpected templating type error occurred on ({{ wait_inspected_timeout // wait_inspected_interval }}): unsupported operand type(s)...
By default, the seed VM has a root volume of 50 GiB and a data volume of 100 GiB. We are not making any use of the data volume and...
http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1623555 turned into http:/cookietest.aspx?b=%2farticles%2farticle.aspx%3fp%3d1623555%26rl%3d1 The Instapaper bookmarklet works.
The libvirt_vm_vcpus and libvirt_vm_memory_mb variables are required by the stackhpc.libvirt-vm role even when setting libvirt_vm_state to absent. Using the role without them fails with the following error: FAILED! => {"msg":...