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Compiler for xlang, A C like high level programming language that emits Intel x86 assembly
What Is It?
xlang is an high level language compiler based on Linux platform that emits Netwide Assembler(NASM) x86 assembly. You can develop simple programs as well as low-level applications such as writing OS components.
What Can It Do?
Through xlang, users can write programs according to the syntax of the language provided in Grammar and produce Intel x86 assembly language.
Simplifying the generated assembly by backend of the compiler that can be understand by anyone who wants to learn NASM assembly language.The generated assembly contain comments having line numbers, variables used, local variables location on stack and their sizes, expressions etc.
At present, xlang has a set of core features as below:
- Support for using 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit registers.
- Support for simple expression assembly generation.
- Support for inline assembly.
- Support for pointers and arrays.
- Support for conditional statements such as if-else
- Support for loops such as while, for, do-while.
- Support for functions.
- Support for importing C language functions.
- Support for Abstract data types such as records.
See doc directory for documentation. Or see the manual,
$ man xlang
Installation and Uninstallation
GCC with C++11 compiler(g++)
Netwide Assembler(NASM)
Step 1: Getting the Source Code
You can download xlang by command:
$ git clone https://github.com/pritamzope/xlang.git
$ cd xlang
or you can get xlang via other ways you prefer at https://github.com/pritamzope/xlang
Step 2: Compile and Install
Installing xlang requires root(super user)'s privilege. Run command:
$ make
$ sudo make install
To uninstall the xlang, just run command:
$ cd xlang
$ sudo make remove
How to Start
Create a file with .x file extension. Write a xlang program(see doc or examples). Compile the program and Run it.
Here's a simple addition program that imports C printf() function. Create a file named "hello_world.x" which reads as follow:
extern void printf(char*, int);
global void main()
int a, b, sum;
a = 10;
b = 20;
sum = a + b;
printf("sum: %d\n", sum);
Then run xlang in the terminal
$ xlang hello_world.x
You can run the program after compilation:
$ ./a.out
To see the generated Intel x86 assembly, Then run xlang in the terminal with -S option.
$ xlang -S hello_world.x
It will create a new file "hello_world.asm" which reads as follows:
section .text
extern printf
global main
; [ function: main() ]
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 12 ; allocate space for local variables
; sum = [ebp - 12], dword
; b = [ebp - 4], dword
; a = [ebp - 8], dword
; line 6
mov eax, 10
mov dword[ebp - 8], eax
; line 7
mov eax, 20
mov dword[ebp - 4], eax
; line 9
xor eax, eax
xor edx, edx
mov eax, dword[ebp - 8] ; a
mov ebx, dword[ebp - 4] ; b
add eax, ebx
mov dword[ebp - 12], eax
; line: 11, func_call: printf
; line 11
mov eax, dword[ebp - 12] ; assignment sum
push eax ; param 2
mov eax, string_val1
push eax ; param 1
call printf
add esp, 8 ; restore func-call params stack frame
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
section .data
string_val1 db 0x73,0x75,0x6D,0x3A,0x20,0x25,0x64,0x0A,0x00 ; 'sum: %d\n'