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A curated list of awesome things related to OctoberCMS.
Awesome OctoberCMS
A curated list of awesome things related to OctoberCMS.
October is a Content Management System (CMS) and web platform whose sole purpose is to make your development workflow simple again.
- Latest News
- Official Resources
- External Resources
- Community
- Plugins
- Themes
- Tools
- Tutorials
- Mention of OctoberCMS
- Blogs
- Docker
- Official Examples
- Community Examples
- Open source projects using OctoberCMS
- Projects Using OctoberCMS
Latest News
- Laravel 9 Integration Has Begun! - We are happy to let you know that we started integrating Laravel 9 into October CMS.
Official Resources
- Official Website
- Official Guide 2.x
- Official Guide 1.x
- Release Notes
- OctoberCMS Plugins
- OctoberCMS Themes
- GitHub Repository
External Resources
- OctoberCMS Tricks - October CMS resources and help articles
- OctoberCMS Show Cases - This site is created to showcase websites made with OctoberCMS
- OctoberCMS Jobs - Hire expert OctoberCMS developers & find job offers
- YouTube
- Discord
- Telegram, English community
- Telegram, Russian community
- Russian community forum
Discover the full list of OctoberCMS plugins on
- User - Front-end user management.
- Blog - A robust blogging platform.
- Forum - A simple embeddable forum.
- Location - Adds location based features, such as Country and State.
- Translate - Enables multi-lingual websites and translate website contents.
- Sitemap - Generate a sitemap.xml file for your website.
- Notify - Notification engine and services.
- Static Pages - Adds static pages, menus and breadcrumbs features to OctoberCMS.
- EditorJS - Most powerful, next generation block styled editor with multilingual support.
- Shopaholic - E-commerce platform for October CMS
- Mall - E-commerce solution for October CMS
Discover the full list of OctoberCMS themes on
- Vanilla - A plain starter template that implements account management, a blog and community forum.
- Relax - A fictional site that demonstrates how to build a client-friendly website.
- Bonjour - A sample multi-lingual theme for translated content.
- Bootstrap 5 - Starter Kit - Starter theme based on Bootstrap 5 with SASS and Laravel Mix.
- Builder - Create a fully functional plugin scaffold in a matter of minutes
- Deploy - A simple way to deploy your application to a remote location.
The labels show the OctoberCMS versions that were available at that time.
= OctoberCMS version 1.x
= OctoberCMS version 2.x
Tutorials published in:
- Getting started with October CMS and Static Pages - v.2
- Running October on AWS - Part 2
- Running October on AWS - Part 1
- Watch and Learn - Vue, Vuex and October CMS App
- Collection of third party resources
- Beyond Behaviors - Part 3: Implementing a nested relationship
- Beyond Behaviors - Part 2: Rendering Lists and Forms by hand
- Beyond Behaviors - Part 1: How MVC works in October CMS
- Advanced content marketing and analytics
- Setting up a local environment with Vagrant
- Building a responsive multi-language website (Part 2)
- Building a responsive multi-language website (Part 1)
- Using October without a database
- Rapid Application Development with Builder
- Extending the User plugin
- Translating Content, Messages and Models
- Static Pages - Content Blocks and Placeholders
- Getting started with Static Pages
- Mastering Components
- Building a simple weather plugin
- Building a blog and forum
- Introduction to October
Mention of OctoberCMS
Official OctoberCMS blog of core team members Alexey Bobkov and Samuel Georges.
- octobercms/docker - Official Docker Image for October CMS
Official Examples
- octobercms/test-plugin - Playground for October CMS
Community Examples
Open source projects using OctoberCMS
Name | Description | Repository |
Name | Description | Repository |
Projects using OctoberCMS
Please don't hesitate to make a PR if you have more resources to share.