studio copied to clipboard
Can't load studio
Bug description
Cannot open cursor to perform index gets in database undefined
How to reproduce
- Go to run
npx prisma generate
- run `npx prisma studio
- Go to
- get the error:
Cannot open cursor to perform index gets in database undefined
Expected behavior
Studio should load.
Prisma information
// This is your Prisma schema file, // learn more about it in the docs:
generator client { provider = "prisma-client-js" previewFeatures = ["relationJoins"] }
datasource db { provider = "postgresql" url = env("DATABASE_URL") }
// schema.prisma // schema.prisma
model User { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) login String @unique @db.VarChar(255) stripe_id String @db.VarChar(255) @default("") userfront_id String? @db.VarChar(255) keygen_id String? @db.VarChar(255) first_name String? last_name String? created_at DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(6) updated_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) deleted_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) organization String? address String? @db.VarChar(255) city String? @db.VarChar(255) state String? @db.VarChar(25) zip String? @db.VarChar(25) active Boolean @default(true) confirmed Boolean @default(false) email String @db.VarChar(255) confirmation_code String? @db.VarChar(255) confirmation_code_expires_at DateTime? bitly_settings BitlySettings? licensing Licensing? qr_settings QrSettings? main_settings MainSettings? utm_target UtmTarget? utm_keyword UtmKeyword? utm_campaign UtmCampaign? utm_source UtmSource? utm_medium UtmMedium? utm_term UtmTerm? utm_content UtmContent? link_history History? wifi_settings WiFiSettings? }
model BitlySettings { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) use_value Boolean @default(false) label String @default("Shorten Link") aria_label String @default("Shorten Link with Bitly") tooltip String @default("Shorten Link with Bitly") error String @default("No Bitly Token Found") bitly_token String @db.VarChar(255) bitly_domain String @db.VarChar(255) bitly_addr String @default("") bitly_enabled Boolean @default(false) type String @default("bitly") created_at DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(6) updated_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) deleted_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) user User @relation(fields: [bitly_id], references: [id]) bitly_id Int @unique }
model UtmTarget { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) use_value Boolean @default(true) is_chooser Boolean @default(false) show_name Boolean @default(true) label String @default("URL to encode") aria_label String @default("This must be a valid URL") tooltip String @default("Complete URL to encode") error String @default("Please enter a valid URL") value Json[] created_at DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(6) updated_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) deleted_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) user User @relation(fields: [target_id], references: [id]) target_id Int @unique }
model UtmContent { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) use_value Boolean @default(true) is_chooser Boolean @default(false) show_name Boolean @default(true) label String @default("Content") aria_label String @default("Content") tooltip String @default("Additional content to append to the link") error String @default("Please enter a valid content value") value Json[] created_at DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(6) updated_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) deleted_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) user User @relation(fields: [content_id], references: [id]) content_id Int @unique }
model UtmMedium { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) use_value Boolean @default(true) is_chooser Boolean @default(false) show_name Boolean @default(true) label String @default("Referral Medium") aria_label String @default("Referral medium") tooltip String @default("What kind of referral link is this? This is usually how you're distributing the link.") error String @default("Please choose a valid referral medium") value Json[] created_at DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(6) updated_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) deleted_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) user User @relation(fields: [medium_id], references: [id]) medium_id Int @unique }
model UtmKeyword { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) use_value Boolean @default(true) is_chooser Boolean @default(false) show_name Boolean @default(true) label String @default("Keywords") aria_label String @default("Add any additional keywords") tooltip String @default("Additional keywords to append to the link") error String @default("Please enter a valid Keyword") value Json[] created_at DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(6) updated_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) deleted_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) user User @relation(fields: [keyword_id], references: [id]) keyword_id Int @unique }
model UtmCampaign { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) use_value Boolean @default(true) is_chooser Boolean @default(false) show_name Boolean @default(true) label String @default("Campaign") aria_label String @default("Campaign Name") tooltip String @default("Enter a campaign name") error String @default("Please enter a valid campaign name") value Json[] created_at DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(6) updated_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) deleted_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) user User @relation(fields: [campaign_id], references: [id]) campaign_id Int @unique }
model UtmSource { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) use_value Boolean @default(true) is_chooser Boolean @default(false) show_name Boolean @default(true) label String @default("Referral Source") aria_label String @default("Referral Source") tooltip String @default("Where will you be posting this link?") error String @default("Please enter a valid referral source") value Json[] created_at DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(6) updated_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) deleted_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) user User @relation(fields: [source_id], references: [id]) source_id Int @unique }
model UtmTerm { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) use_value Boolean @default(true) is_chooser Boolean @default(false) show_name Boolean @default(true) label String @default("Term") aria_label String @default("What's the Campaign Term?") tooltip String @default("What's the Campaign Term?") error String @default("Please choose a valid Term") value Json[] created_at DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(6) updated_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) deleted_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) user User @relation(fields: [term_id], references: [id]) term_id Int @unique }
model Licensing { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) cust_id String? @db.VarChar(255) license_type String? @default("free") license_key String? @db.VarChar(255) license_status String? @default("no-license") active Boolean? @default(false) confirmed Boolean? @default(false) expire_date DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) created_at DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(6) updated_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) deleted_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) user User @relation(fields: [license_id], references: [id]) license_id Int @unique }
model MainSettings { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) brand_image String? @default("") brand_height Int? @default(60) brand_width Int? @default(60) brand_opacity Float? @default(1.0) form_type String? @default("simple") dark Boolean? @default(false) created_at DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(6) updated_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) deleted_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) user User @relation(fields: [main_id], references: [id]) main_id Int @unique }
model QrSettings { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) value String @default("") ec_level ec_values @default(M) enable_CORS Boolean @default(true) size Int @default(220) quiet_zone Int @default(10) bg_color String @default("#ffffff") fg_color String @default("#000000") logo_image String? @default("") logo_width Int @default(60) logo_height Int @default(60) logo_opacity Float @default(1) remove_qr_code_behind_logo Boolean @default(true) logo_padding Int @default(0) logo_padding_style padding_style @default(square) top_l_eye_radius Int[] @default([0, 0, 0, 0]) top_r_eye_radius Int[] @default([0, 0, 0, 0]) bottom_l_eye_radius Int[] @default([0, 0, 0, 0]) eye_color String @default("#000000") qr_style qr_style @default(squares) style StyleType? qr_type qr_image_type @default(png) x_parent Boolean @default(false) created_at DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(6) updated_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) qr_id Int @unique user User @relation(fields: [qr_id], references: [id]) }
model StyleType { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) height String @default("100%") width String @default("100%") qr_settings QrSettings @relation(fields: [style_id], references: [id]) style_id Int @unique } model WiFiSettings { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) ssid WiFiSSIDFields? password WiFiPasswordFields? encryption WiFiEncryptionFields? hidden WiFiHiddenFields? created_at DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(6) updated_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) deleted_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) user User @relation(fields: [wifi_id], references: [id]) wifi_id Int @unique }
model WiFiSSIDFields { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) label String @default("SSID") tooltip String @default("The name of the WiFi network") aria_label String @default("Enter the name of the WiFi network") error String @default("Please enter a valid SSID") value String @default("") wifi_settings WiFiSettings @relation(fields: [ssid_id], references: [id]) ssid_id Int @unique }
model WiFiPasswordFields { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) label String @default("Password") tooltip String @default("The password for the network") aria_label String @default("The password for the network") error String @default("Please enter a valid password") value String @default("") wifi_settings WiFiSettings @relation(fields: [password_id], references: [id]) password_id Int @unique }
model WiFiEncryptionFields { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) label String @default("Encryption") tooltip String @default("The encryption type for the network") aria_label String @default("The encryption type for the network") error String @default("Please choose a valid encryption type") value enc_type @default(WPA2) wifi_settings WiFiSettings @relation(fields: [encryption_id], references: [id]) encryption_id Int @unique }
model WiFiHiddenFields { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) label String @default("Hidden Network") tooltip String @default("Is this a hidden network?") aria_label String @default("Is this a hidden network?") error String @default("Please choose a valid option") value Boolean @default(false) wifi_settings WiFiSettings @relation(fields: [hidden_id], references: [id]) hidden_id Int @unique } model History { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) created_at DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(6) updated_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) deleted_at DateTime? @db.Timestamp(6) user User @relation(fields: [history_id], references: [id]) utm_links Json[] wifi_links Json[] history_id Int @unique }
// model UTMLink { // id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) // utm_target String @default("") // utm_campaign String? // utm_source String? // utm_medium String? // // utm_term String? // utm_content String? // utm_keyword String? // long_link String? // short_link String? // uuid String? // link_id Int @unique // history History @relation(fields: [link_id], references: [id]) // }
// model WiFiLink { // id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) // ssid String? // password String? // encryption enc_type? // hidden Boolean? // uuid String? // link_id Int // // link_history History @relation(fields: [link_id], references: [id]) // }
enum enc_type { nopass WEP WPA WPA2 }
enum qr_style { squares dots }
enum padding_style { square circle }
enum qr_image_type { svg png jpg }
enum ec_values { L M Q H }
enum style_type { normal rounded rounded_eyes rounded_corners sharp sharp_eyes sharp_corners }
// Add foreign key relationships // ...
Environment & setup
- OS: macOS
- Browser: Chrome or Safari
- Database: postgres
Prisma logs
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (inter-latin-400-normal.27ae72da.woff2, line 0) [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (inter-all-400-normal.4c1f8a0d.woff, line 0) [Error] UnknownError: Cannot open cursor to perform index gets in database (anonymous function) (index.js:1:84086) [Error] [BootstrapStore.init] Studio bootstrap failed – {message: "Cannot open cursor to perform index gets in database", stack: undefined} B (index.js:1:1756) (anonymous function) (index.js:1:84536) [Error] UnknownError: Cannot open cursor to perform index gets in database B (index.js:1:1787) (anonymous function) (index.js:1:84536) [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (inter-latin-600-normal.87d718a2.woff2, line 0) [Error] Unhandled Promise Rejection: [object Object] (anonymous function) (index.js:1:84656) [Error] Unhandled Promise Rejection: AbortError: AbortError i (vendor.js:50:49696) [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (inter-all-600-normal.d0a7c8a9.woff, line 0) [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (inter-latin-ext-400-normal.5b02c69a.woff2, line 0) [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (inter-latin-ext-600-normal.88feb9e4.woff2, line 0) [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (inter-vietnamese-600-normal.8185dacd.woff2, line 0) [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (inter-greek-600-normal.e644d70f.woff2, line 0) [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (inter-greek-ext-600-normal.7f437016.woff2, line 0) [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (inter-cyrillic-600-normal.2c917f10.woff2, line 0) [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (inter-cyrillic-ext-600-normal.bb31f197.woff2, line 0)