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Better support for scalar lists

Open sorenbs opened this issue 6 years ago • 32 comments

The current data structure for scalar lists is not able to provide the advanced filters and mutations we want to support.

New Features

Given the schema

type Student @model {
  id: ID! @isUnique
  scores: [Int!]!



allStudents(filter: {scores_every: { lt: 42}})


A scalar list field generate the same 3 top-level filter arguments as normal relations:

  • field_every
  • field_some
  • field_none

The nested filter arguments are almost the same as for normal relations, except for scalar lists the value is contained directly in the list, instead of being in a node in the list. So we don't need a field prefix:

  • eq
  • not
  • in
  • not_in
  • lt
  • lte
  • gt
  • gte

This list is for integers. Scalar lists for other types will support all the normal filters such as contains and starts_with for strings



The create mutation will work as it currently does:

mutation { createStudent(data: {scores: { set: [90, 67, 83] }} ) }


The update mutation supports the following new list operations


The push operation adds one or more elements to the end of the list

mutation { updateStudent(by: {id: "...", data: {scores: { push: [97, 58] }}}) }
mutation { updateStudent(by: {id: "...", data: {scores: { push: 58 }}}) }

The position argument can be used to specify the location of the new elements. 0 means the elements are pushed at the beginning, 1 means they are pushed behind the first element etc. If the position argument is greater than the length of the list, the new elements are pushed at the end of the list

mutation { updateStudent(by: {id: "...", data: {scores: { push: [42, 1337], location: 3 }}}) }

before: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] after: [1,2,3,4,42,1337,5,6,7,8,9,10]


Removes one or more elements from the beginning or end of the list. Pass a positive value to remove from the end of the list, pass a negative value to remove from the beginning of the list:

mutation { updateStudent(by: {id: "...", data: {scores: { pop: 1 }}}) }

before: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] after: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

mutation { updateStudent(by: {id: "...", data: {scores: { pop: 5 }}}) }

before: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] after: [1,2,3,4,5]

mutation { updateStudent(by: {id: "...", data: {scores: { pop: -5 }}}) }

before: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] after: [6,7,8,9,10]


Removes all elements from the list that match a filter

mutation { updateStudent(by: {id: "...", data: {scores: { remove: { lte: 4 }}}}) }

before: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] after: [5,6,7,8,9,10]


Removes existing elements and add new elements

mutation { updateStudent(by: {id: "...", data: {scores: { set: [1,3,5]}}}) }

before: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] after: [1,3,5]

Data Structure


The default data structure for scalar lists represents a compromise of the following requirements:

  • Fast ordered lookup get element 50.000 through 50.010
  • Fast insert at arbitrary position insert element at position 50.000
  • Fast filtering get nodes where list contain the element "Abba"
  • Easily portable to different sql storage engines

Table Structure

A scalar list is stored in a separate table with the structure:

nodeId position value
  • nodeId references the id column in the model table and has on cascade: delete
  • position is a signed INT
  • value is the normal type for the scalar type



The first element is inserted at position 1.000, second element at position 2.000 and so on.

When inserting an element at a position that is not at the beginning or end, the position is calculated like this: pos(x) + floor((pos(x+1) - pos(x)) / 2).

Given these positions: [1000, 2000] Inserting a new element at index 1 (between the two existing elements) would result in the following positions:

[1000, 1500, 2000]

This is a fast operation.

We can keep inserting elements "in between" like this; 1250, 1125, 1062, 1031, 1015, 1007, 1003, 1001

When we run out of space between two positions we have to increment all positions after the one where the new element will be inserted. This is an expensive operation:

[1000, 1001, 1003, ...] => [1000, 2001, 2003, ...] => [1000, 1500, 2001, 2003, ...]

The sql for this operation is of the form:

UPDATE `scalarList` SET position = position + 1000 WHERE position > 1000 ORDER BY position DESC


Getting a range of elements:

SELECT value FROM `Array` limit 100, 10


Join the model table and the scalar list table and use the normal filter logic


Insert performance

Inserting an element at beginning or end is generally fast.

Inserting an element in the middle of the list is fast as long as there is enough space. If we need to add space to the position column, this becomes a slow operation. For a list with 100.000 elements this operation takes on the order of 1 second. For 500.000 elements this operation takes 5-20 seconds.

Number of elements

As performing the space injection operation is expensive on large lists, we recommend keeping scalar lists below 50.000 elements.

The position is stored in a signed INT which requires 4 bytes and can store values in the -2147483648 to 2147483647 range. This enables us to store 2+ billion values in the positive space and negative space.

If values are continuously inserted and deleted in a way that requires us to perform the space injection operation, it is possible to exhaust the available position space. The first implementation will not try to reclaim space, but this can be implemented in the future

sorenbs avatar Nov 14 '17 15:11 sorenbs

Loving this. Just an idea: can the same things also be applied to 'normal relations' (pop, push, remove, set)? E.g. nested mutations

kbrandwijk avatar Nov 14 '17 15:11 kbrandwijk

Relations don't have a defined order, so pop and push are undefined.

marktani avatar Nov 14 '17 15:11 marktani

Well, push should stil be useful (just add to the existing children). pop won't work, I agree. set would be the current behavior remove could work by any unique field (to be consistent with the new query/update by any unique field proposal.

kbrandwijk avatar Nov 14 '17 15:11 kbrandwijk

Regarding the insert algorithm. If you use a string instead of a number to specify the ordering, you have a lot more room to navigate without having to 'reorder'. Given 3 items with a,b,c, adding a new item at position 2 (between b and c) would give it order ba. Next, inserting at position 3 (between 'ba' and 'c') would give 'bb'. Now, inserting between 'ba' and 'bb' would give 'baa'.

A total of 5 characters already gives you space to store 12 million ordered elements.

A certain 'branch' of the table can become 'heavy' if a lot of elements are inserted close to eachother (e.g. you can end up with a lot of letters). You could always have a database maintenance task to 'smooth out' the ordering, basically doing a reordering that is 'flatter' or leaves more gaps.

For example, you have 1000 items in the list. You need three letters to order them (262626), so you can skip each odd letter (a-c-e-....), so you don't have to reorder soon.

The big benefit of this that you never have to reorder when you are inserting (causing a delay), because there's always room between any 2 records. A maintenance task can be scheduled.

kbrandwijk avatar Nov 14 '17 15:11 kbrandwijk

@kbrandwijk I like the idea of using a varchar for the position column. This essentially offloads the work of injecting space at the node creation time to the database. We will perform some benchmarks before implementing this feature to better understand performance impact on query and insert as well as the storage requirements.

Supporting some of the same mutation functionality for ordinary relations is a great idea that we should explore!

sorenbs avatar Nov 14 '17 16:11 sorenbs

@sorenbs Another option might be using a double-linked list, with id and previous columns. That way, you don't need any maintenance or renumbering, but ordering might be a little heavier, and inserting a value always requires you to update two records... Anyways, just throwing it out there so you have something to compare to.

kbrandwijk avatar Nov 14 '17 18:11 kbrandwijk

Would there be any additional functionality for unique scalar lists? For example, with this schema: type User @model { id: ID! @isUnique emails: [String!]! @isUnique } And a direct query like this: { User (email: "[email protected]") { id } } Which would return the correct user if that e-mail was contained in the scalar list.

aurnik avatar Nov 15 '17 00:11 aurnik

What does emails: [String!]! @isUnique mean in your suggestion?

  • the list (set of elements + order) is unique. Meaning, there are no two users with emails ["a", "b"], but a user with ["a", "b"] and anothe with ["b", "a"] is possible
  • or, the elements in the list are unique to the user. Meaning, there are no two users where any of their emails match.

I'm not convinced that covering this use case with unique scalar lists is a good idea.

marktani avatar Nov 15 '17 09:11 marktani

Maybe something like @distinct could be used to differ between 'this array contains distinct values', 'and this entire array is unique across all nodes of this type' (@isUnique)

kbrandwijk avatar Nov 15 '17 10:11 kbrandwijk

If we do add support for explicitly declaring that all elements must be distinct, I like the idea of adding a separate directive.

It might be instructive to see how MongoDB handles this

They have an addToSet operator that only add an element if it is not present yet. It is still possible to add duplicates to the array using the normal push operation though.


Regarding @isUnique - we can't easily support the unique guarantee on scalar lists. There is no way to enforce this on the database level, so even if we did add support, it would add a lot of overhead

sorenbs avatar Nov 15 '17 10:11 sorenbs

Unfortunately, there's no consensus yet on, otherwise introducing something like emails: Set<String> would be intuitive to indicate distinct elements. Maybe we can add this use case there too.

kbrandwijk avatar Nov 15 '17 10:11 kbrandwijk

Yes I believe the idea of something like @distinct would solve the use case I was describing.

aurnik avatar Nov 16 '17 18:11 aurnik

We should consider supporting the native JSON type in SQL databases for implementing this feature. MySQL has had JSON support since 5.7, but only added support for retrieving a slice of an array in 8.0.2:

As MySQL 8 does not have a stable release yet, no major cloud provider support it yet.

Another complicating with using native JSON support is that the implementation will be different between databases.

Another issue is that we would be limited to a simple filter with LIKE semantic. It would not be possible to do a query like this:

allUsers(filter: {grade_any{gt: 7}})

sorenbs avatar Nov 20 '17 17:11 sorenbs

Another thing that could be added in more than the existing nested filter is something like "field_in_exclusive".

For instance the "field_in : ["A", "B" ]" will use a OR to match the condition and in a lot of use cases we can need a AND.

And I don't see any proper way to implement for myself yet ( so if you have any clue :) )

Kisepro avatar Nov 22 '17 15:11 Kisepro

Hi guys,

After talking with @marktani, I would like to know what is the status about length filters ? I see some references about it here:

johannpinson avatar Jan 16 '18 16:01 johannpinson

This is checked off in beta-3 of Primsa which has now been released:


Should we expect to be able to run filters within arrays in Primsa? Or not yet? (cc @marktani )

philcockfield avatar Jan 18 '18 04:01 philcockfield


Strangely, it's also referenced into the post 1.0 release list...

johannpinson avatar Jan 18 '18 09:01 johannpinson

Hey @philcockfield and @johannpinson, thanks for bringing this up! One important step to allow powerful scalar list has been implemented in beta3, which was about the right data structure for scalar lists, as discussed in this proposal.

This paves the way for adding scalar list filters into the Prisma API, without introducing a breaking change. We'll tackle this feature shortly, but there is no concrete timeline yet.

marktani avatar Jan 18 '18 09:01 marktani

Cool - thanks you know ( 😄 ) a lot clean design choice rest on being able to filter into lists/arrays. Really looking forward to having this!!

philcockfield avatar Jan 20 '18 07:01 philcockfield

Filters for enum lists should also be considered: #1858.

marktani avatar Mar 12 '18 12:03 marktani

Relations don't have a defined order.

@marktani I see plenty of use cases for an ordered list of relations. Any time a list of entities can be sorted by the user we would need to filter and mutate the positions in the list. Hence I am glad to read @sorenbs 's comment:

Supporting some of the same mutation functionality for ordinary relations is a great idea that we should explore!

Can you tell us your current position on this?

I would also really appreciate some guidance. I have been reading a lot about the subject these past couple of days but there seems to be no trivial solution. I don't understand how such a basic need can be so complex to implement in an efficient manner... =/

m4rrc0 avatar Mar 24 '18 14:03 m4rrc0

See for another feature request for scalar lists - the default directive!

codepunkt avatar Jul 03 '18 09:07 codepunkt

Any progress? I really want this feature for my service.

oxy88 avatar Aug 28 '18 07:08 oxy88

Checking in as well - this feature would be immensely useful. It would be nice to understand the underlying issue/road block preventing an implementation from being merged in, is there anyone with details on that?

patrickdevivo avatar Sep 04 '18 15:09 patrickdevivo

Hi every one I was looking into my GraphQL docs and I found, eh there is no filter on my [String!]. It will be really useful, any idea when this feature's going to be realized?

PedramMarandi avatar Oct 30 '18 04:10 PedramMarandi

Is there any progress on this? We really need this to filter by the list of scalar values.

TheMrugraj avatar Nov 26 '18 11:11 TheMrugraj

Any progress on adding push, pop and remove?

FluorescentHallucinogen avatar Dec 13 '18 11:12 FluorescentHallucinogen

Update: See the scalarList directive in this new datamodel proposal.

schickling avatar Jan 02 '19 12:01 schickling

@schickling Could you elaborate on the current status? Even with the new scalarList datamodel syntax filtering of scalarLists is still not possible, correct? What is the ETA? Are there any best practice workarounds? Thanks in advance.

realAlexBarge avatar Jul 12 '19 08:07 realAlexBarge

Looking forward for this. @realAlexBarge Prisma team is now focusing on Prisma 2 fo it might be supported there. also, have you found any workarounds?

ahrbil avatar Jan 03 '20 11:01 ahrbil