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Full-text-search not working when the query is multiple strings
Bug description
Full-text-search not working when the query is multiple words, works fine when it's a single word being passed into my Prisma query:
const results = await{
where: {
body: {
search: `post`, // works
const results = await{
where: {
body: {
search: `second post`, // throws an error
I get the following error:
PrismaClientUnknownRequestError3 [PrismaClientUnknownRequestError]:
Invalid `` invocation:
Error occurred during query execution:
ConnectorError(ConnectorError { user_facing_error: None, kind: QueryError(Error { kind: Db, cause: Some(DbError { severity: "ERROR", parsed_severity: Some(Error), code: SqlState("42601"), message: "syntax error in tsquery: \"second post\"", detail: None, hint: None, position: None, where_: None, schema: None, table: None, column: None, datatype: None, constraint: None, file: Some("tsquery.c"), line: Some(726), routine: Some("makepol") }) }) })
at cb (/Users/m-abdelwahab/Desktop/full-text-search-demo/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/index.js:36067:17)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async handler (webpack-internal:///./pages/api/search.ts:11:21)
at async Object.apiResolver (/Users/m-abdelwahab/Desktop/full-text-search-demo/node_modules/next/dist/server/api-utils.js:101:9)
at async DevServer.handleApiRequest (/Users/m-abdelwahab/Desktop/full-text-search-demo/node_modules/next/dist/server/next-server.js:760:9)
at async Object.fn (/Users/m-abdelwahab/Desktop/full-text-search-demo/node_modules/next/dist/server/next-server.js:651:37)
at async Router.execute (/Users/m-abdelwahab/Desktop/full-text-search-demo/node_modules/next/dist/server/router.js:205:32)
at async (/Users/m-abdelwahab/Desktop/full-text-search-demo/node_modules/next/dist/server/next-server.js:825:29)
at async DevServer.handleRequest (/Users/m-abdelwahab/Desktop/full-text-search-demo/node_modules/next/dist/server/next-server.js:292:20) {
clientVersion: '2.30.0'
How to reproduce
Clone repo, install dependencies, run seed script, go to http://localhost:3000
and try some queries
Maybe I'm doing something wrong that I'm not aware of
Expected behavior
Should work normally and return results that contain my query.
Prisma information
// This is your Prisma schema file,
// learn more about it in the docs:
datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["fullTextSearch"]
model Post {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
title String @unique
body String
status Status
enum Status {
Environment & setup
- OS: Mac OS
- Database: PostgreSQL
- Node.js version: v14.17.4
Prisma Version
prisma : 2.30.0
@prisma/client : 2.30.0
Current platform : darwin
Query Engine (Binary) : query-engine 60b19f4a1de4fe95741da371b4c44a92f4d1adcb (at node_modules/@prisma/engines/query-engine-darwin)
Migration Engine : migration-engine-cli 60b19f4a1de4fe95741da371b4c44a92f4d1adcb (at node_modules/@prisma/engines/migration-engine-darwin)
Introspection Engine : introspection-core 60b19f4a1de4fe95741da371b4c44a92f4d1adcb (at node_modules/@prisma/engines/introspection-engine-darwin)
Format Binary : prisma-fmt 60b19f4a1de4fe95741da371b4c44a92f4d1adcb (at node_modules/@prisma/engines/prisma-fmt-darwin)
Default Engines Hash : 60b19f4a1de4fe95741da371b4c44a92f4d1adcb
Studio : 0.422.0
Preview Features : fullTextSearch
The API was designed this way to give full flexibility to users. Here's a proposal to make it more user-friendly:
type StringFilter {
search: String | SearchFilter # The String shorthand would resolve into mode: NATURAL
type SearchFilter {
query: String!
mode: SearchFilterMode
enum SearchFilterMode {
By default, we'd use plainto_tsquery
to enable multi-word queries with spaces. If needed, users could use the more "advanced" mode.
prisma.x.findMany(where: { field: { search: "hello world" }})
prisma.x.findMany(where: { field: { search: { mode: "BOOLEAN", query: "hello & world" } }})
The workaround today is to pre-process your queries, for example:
const results = await{
where: {
body: {
search: "second post".split(" ").join(" & "),
My workaround is to replace whitespace with underscore
, it works for tabs, newline, and consecutive white spaces.
search:query.replace(/[\s\n\t]/g, '_')
I am facing an issue with full text search where I am getting zero results when I have multiple terms in a string. For example, I have a row where the value of the name
column is S.S Perforated Sheet 4'x8'-3.0mm-Hole-4.0mm X Space-6.0mm-MAT 201 Grade
I want to be able to search this string 3.0mm 4.0mm 6.0mm
and have the query return results. Currently, I am getting zero results when I pass this string in. My pre-processing function is like so:
const preprocessSearchTerms = (searchTerm: string) => {
const tsquerySpecialChars = /[()|&:*!]/g
return searchTerm
.replace(tsquerySpecialChars, ' ')
.join(' & ')
Calling the above function gives me a string formatted as 3.0mm & 4.0mm & 6.0mm
in which I pass into the search
query. Why does this not return any results? Am I missing something here? Would I need to do something more with the string to get the results I want?
I would be happy to take some arbitrary user-supplied search query and run it through a prisma "escape tsquery" function that deals with whitespace and escapes special chars like &
for me
Why is &
working as or
with Postgres? Doc is pretty clear about this, but in reality code returns or
I see clearly it's working as or
, I debugged my code.
Edit: I see it's ok, it searches cat
and dog
separately and not cat dog
with a space. Can I search phrase with a space literally?
I see _
matches space literally but where is that documented in docs? I can't find anything about underscore.
Hello everyone 👋
We are starting design work to improve Prisma's support for Full Text Search (FTS)!
If you would like to help, please tell us about your needs via a short FTS user research survey.
Thank you!
I sent you my feedback. I also have a use case where i need to search depending on the user language.
For exemple having a model "blog" with a field "title". We create two indexes : one for french and the other for spanish.
We read the user language preferences from the request cookie then search blogs using a french or spanish index accordingly.
This issue is technically not about the search language, so better open a new issue and fully describe your use case. As you already found out, we are working on this right now - but an explicit issue about this does not hurt.
If you want to search only for words in the exact order I recommend the postgres proximity operator
const results = await{
where: {
body: {
search: "second post".split(" ").join(" <-> "),
this is my solution - only join words with <->
when the user doesn't do it.
// join with <-> if there's a space between two words
const fixed = query.replace(/(\w)\s+(\w)/g, '$1 <-> $2');
so the user can use operators, but if they don't - it still works. any suggestions to make it better?