prisma copied to clipboard
Aggregate Raw not working when trying to `$match` on `_id` (needs to be an `ObjectId` but it's not a valid input)
new aggregate raw support
@matthewmueller Do you guys know about any issue that the raw aggregation support is having? I'm trying to run a pipeline though it, which I know for a fact that is working because I wrote it and tested it at first on MongoDB Compass.
return this.prisma.user.aggregateRaw({
pipeline: [
$match: {
_id: id,
$project: {
communityId: 1,
$lookup: {
from: 'Community',
localField: 'communityId',
foreignField: '_id',
as: 'community',
$project: {
communityId: 0,
$unwind: {
path: '$community',
$lookup: {
from: 'CommunityNft',
localField: 'community._id',
foreignField: 'communityId',
as: 'communityNft',
$unwind: {
path: '$communityNft',
$lookup: {
from: 'NftBenefit',
localField: 'communityNft._id',
foreignField: 'communityNftId',
as: 'nftBenefits',
$lookup: {
from: 'Voucher',
localField: 'nftBenefits._id',
foreignField: 'nftBenefitId',
as: 'vouchers',
This operation is returning an empty array.
Originally posted by @pedrobrun in
Could you provide us with a sample of data or a way to insert it and then provide us with the expected output from running this query?
Could you provide us with a sample of data
@danstarns sure! here's some mock data:
@Jolg42 @danstarns Were you able to reproduce it?
@danstarns btw I forgot to send you the expected result, sorry. But basically it is just meant to return everything I looked up in the query. An array of objects that relate through the foreign and local fields of the $lookup queries.
@pedrobrun No we didn't check this yet, I just changed the label to reflect that is now actionable (= there is something to try a reproduction). We have a lot of issues to look at, so any additional information is welcome, like your:
- MongoDB version
- Prisma version from
prisma -v
- Anything that you think could be relevant
@Jolg42 ok, got it! Thanks for the update :)
Prisma's version was 4.2.1
Mongo's locally installed version is 5.0.7
, but the development db is hosted on Atlas.
Tbh there's no additional information. I had to migrate to Mongoose as I had some deadlines close and this was a core feature and I didn't want to have to hit 4+ collections separately.
Once this is sorted out I'll probably move back to Prisma though.
I imported the data with
mongoimport --host localhost:27018 --db 15013 --collection community --file community.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --host localhost:27018 --db 15013 --collection communitynft --file communitynft.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --host localhost:27018 --db 15013 --collection nftbenefit --file nftbenefit.json --jsonArray
// note I had to fix the json first and put [] around the object
mongoimport --host localhost:27018 --db 15013 --collection user --file user.json --jsonArray
mongoimport --host localhost:27018 --db 15013 --collection voucher --file voucher.json --jsonArray
Can reproduce in our internal dev version 4.4.0-dev.30
Here is the script to reproduce
import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";
import { ObjectId } from "bson";
import { MongoClient } from "mongodb";
async function main() {
const prisma = new PrismaClient();
const client = await MongoClient.connect(
const coll = client.db("15013").collection("user");
const cursor = coll.aggregate([
$match: {
// as string doesn't work
// _id: "63053c88b472e7492f517dcd",
// but works as ObjectID!
_id: new ObjectId("63053c88b472e7492f517dcd"),
const resultFromMongoDriver = await cursor.toArray();
console.log({ resultFromMongoDriver });
await client.close();
const usersFromFindMany = await prisma.user.findMany();
console.log({ usersFromFindMany });
const rawResult1 = await prisma.user.aggregateRaw({
pipeline: [
// @ts-ignore
$match: {
// as string doesn't work (needs to be ObjectID)
// _id: "63053c88b472e7492f517dcd",
// But ObjectID throws a TypeError... (Note: ignoring it with @ts-ignore doesn't help)
// Type '{ $match: { _id: ObjectId; }; }' is not assignable to type 'InputJsonValue'.
// Types of property '$match' are incompatible.
// Type '{ _id: ObjectId; }' is not assignable to type 'InputJsonValue | null | undefined'.
// Types of property '_id' are incompatible.
// Type 'ObjectId' is not assignable to type 'InputJsonValue | null | undefined'.
// Type 'ObjectId' is not assignable to type 'InputJsonObject'.
// Index signature for type 'string' is missing in type 'ObjectId'.
_id: new ObjectId("63053c88b472e7492f517dcd"),
console.log({ rawResult1 });
ts-node main.ts
resultFromMongoDriver: [
_id: new ObjectId("63053c88b472e7492f517dcd"),
email: '[email protected]',
password: '$2b$12$wuytZTYUGeyF39DqPsRLu.mZAOT/iK2T8uz5tUMZpH4PQWRqtyajC',
name: 'admin',
address: 'string',
role: 'ADMIN',
status: 'ACTIVE',
communityId: new ObjectId("6305304e27e9634fbaac6699"),
updatedAt: 2022-08-23T20:45:59.828Z,
createdAt: 2022-08-23T20:45:59.826Z
usersFromFindMany: [
id: '63053c88b472e7492f517dcd',
address: 'string',
communityId: '6305304e27e9634fbaac6699',
createdAt: 2022-08-23T20:45:59.826Z,
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'admin',
password: '$2b$12$wuytZTYUGeyF39DqPsRLu.mZAOT/iK2T8uz5tUMZpH4PQWRqtyajC',
role: 'ADMIN',
status: 'ACTIVE',
updatedAt: 2022-08-23T20:45:59.828Z
{ rawResult1: [] }
Any progress on this issue ? Please fix this...
I have same issue
@Jolg42 any updates on this?
Unfortunately no news, I'm not part of the team that will work on this. I can only say it's on their radar, so they will pick this up one day, but they have to prioritize with other issues.
having same issue. Any update on this?
Anyone has any workaround?
@srinivasdareddy Unfortunately I'm not very hopeful that this'll be fixed in the very near future. There are currently 2.3k issues open. What I did was migrating to mongoose
Try this:
$match: { _id: { $oid: id } }
Hope it helps. :)
Thanks @heteibako that's working for me :)
+1 I've looked for solving for several hours. Thanks @heteibako
Thanks @heteibako for the solution. You have saved me a great deal of my time.
This may be relevant for those wondering where the $oid
came from
(subject matter pasted below if the link ever stops working)
For MongoDB, Prisma currently uses a normalized data model design, which means that documents reference each other by ID in a similar way to relational databases.
The following document represents a User (in the User collection):
{ "_id": { "$oid": "60d5922d00581b8f0062e3a8" }, "name": "Ella" }
The following list of Post documents (in the Post collection) each have a authorId field which reference the same user:
"_id": { "$oid": "60d5922e00581b8f0062e3a9" },
"title": "How to make sushi",
"authorId": { "$oid": "60d5922d00581b8f0062e3a8" }
"_id": { "$oid": "60d5922e00581b8f0062e3aa" },
"title": "How to re-install Windows",
"authorId": { "$oid": "60d5922d00581b8f0062e3a8" }
This data structure represents a one-to-many relation because multiple Post documents refer to the same User document.
@heteibako , @Evilscaught , @Bricks666 , @QasimRRizvi , @theguywhocodes96 , what about, if i want to use $in, not single id
{ '_id': { $oid: '669f6d9148b7b4ef0faf1412' } }
its okay
{ '_id': { $in: [{ $oid: '669f6d9148b7b4ef0faf1412' }, { $oid: '669f6d9148b7b4ef0faf1413' }] } }
its not okay, not getting needed dataCould anybody help for this case ?
$in: ids?.map((id: string) => ({ $oid: id }))
$match: { 'your-key-here': { $in: ids?.map((id: string) => ({ $oid: id })) } }
@heteibako For querying with multiple ids, I've had to wrap my ids in an ObjectId.
import { ObjectId } from 'mongodb';
const match = { $match: { 'your-key-here': { $in: (ids || []).map( (id: string) => ({ $oid: ObjectId(id) }) ) } } }
// Do something with match
* for future reference, this example is using "prisma": "4", "mongodb": "^4.9.0"
and node version 16.15.0
@Evilscaught Interesting. The code above is from a project that I was working on, and I had not needed to wrap the id in ObjectId. But good to know that it works. My Prisma version is: 5.16.0