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graphql-nextjs file upload?

Open namiomiru opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments

How to implement file upload in graphql-nextjs(graphql upload)?

namiomiru avatar Apr 28 '20 10:04 namiomiru

I'm pretty sure that is outside the scope of Prisma, which handles interfacing with the DB. If you are looking for something plug n play try Google's Firebase Cloud Storage, this might be helpful for implementing with NextJs which is React based:

WillGeller avatar Apr 29 '20 00:04 WillGeller can't you upload it this way?

i tried but it doesn't work.




namiomiru avatar Apr 29 '20 02:04 namiomiru

Hi 👋🏽

Were you able to resolve the issue? I'll go ahead and close it.

ruheni avatar Jan 20 '23 11:01 ruheni