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Client extensions: $allOperations limitations
Bug description
prisma.$extends typescript validation fails when trying to modify all operations in a specific model
I get a type error on args.where
Property 'where' does not exist on type '({ readonly select?: ReadonlyDeep<CategoryTranslationSelect<DefaultArgs> | null | undefined>; readonly include?: ReadonlyDeep<CategoryTranslationInclude<DefaultArgs> | null | undefined>; } & { ...; }) | ... 12 more ... | ({ ...; } & { ...; })'.
Property 'where' does not exist on type '{ readonly select?: ReadonlyDeep<CategoryTranslationSelect<DefaultArgs> | null | undefined>; readonly include?: ReadonlyDeep<CategoryTranslationInclude<DefaultArgs> | null | undefined>; } & { ...; }'.ts(2339)
How to reproduce
Code that works fine:
query: {
categoryTranslation: {
async findMany({ model, operation, args, query }) {
args.where = { locale: { code: 'en_US' }, ...args.where };
return query(args);
When I change it to this it starts showing the above error
query: {
categoryTranslation: {
$allOperations({ model, operation, args, query }) {
args.where = { locale: { code: 'en_US' }, ...args.where };
return query(args);
Expected behavior
From reading the documentation, I would expect not to see any error here.
If this is expected behavior, the documentation could probably be improved.
To be clear, it does work, just the type errors are the problem.
Prisma information
model CategoryTranslation {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
localeId Int
locale Locale @relation(fields: [localeId], references: [id])
model Locale {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
code String @unique
categoryTranslations CategoryTranslation[]
Environment & setup
- OS:macOS→
- Database: SQLite→
- Node.js version: 19.3
Prisma Version
prisma : 4.11.0
@prisma/client : 4.11.0
Current platform : darwin
Query Engine (Node-API) : libquery-engine 8fde8fef4033376662cad983758335009d522acb (at node_modules/@prisma/engines/libquery_engine-darwin.dylib.node)
Migration Engine : migration-engine-cli 8fde8fef4033376662cad983758335009d522acb (at node_modules/@prisma/engines/migration-engine-darwin)
Format Wasm : @prisma/prisma-fmt-wasm 4.11.0-57.8fde8fef4033376662cad983758335009d522acb
Default Engines Hash : 8fde8fef4033376662cad983758335009d522acb
Studio : 0.483.0
Preview Features : clientExtensions
Do you know if there has been any progress on this issue? The code works just fine but there are build errors. I don't want to enable ignoreBuildError in next.config.js. Also, this error is not ignorable using // eslint-disable-next-line
$allOperations extensions are critical for our current multitenant solution. Would love to find a solution to this.
If anyone has found work or fix around, I'd love to hear.
Please open an issue in Thanks.
This issue is already articulated very well on this ticket from @ul8. I am happy to create a new ticket, but it be a duplicate this one.
If an issue is required to get this fixed. I will submit one.
Having the same issue, would appreciate a fix. That is crucial for multi tenancy development.