graphql-framework-experiment copied to clipboard
subscription type throws build error
The latest 0.26.1 throws back errors on build when subscriptionType is used. Sample subscription snippet is below.
import { schema } from 'nexus'
import { PubSub } from 'graphql-subscriptions'
const pubsub = new PubSub()
definition(t) {
t.field('notif', {
type: 'Json',
subscribe(root, args, ctx, info) {
return pubsub.asyncIterator('notification')
resolve(event, args, ctx, info) {
return { a: 10 }
- npx nexus@next
- Add above snippet to any of your code file
- npm run build -- throws the below error
758 ● nexus:build get used plugins
● nexus:plugin:nexusPluginPrisma Running generators
● nexus:build starting reflection
● nexus:build building typescript program
● nexus:build compiling a production build
node_modules/@nexus/schema/dist/definitions/subscriptionType.d.ts:31:9 - error TS2416: Property 'list' in type 'SubscriptionDefinitionBlock' is not assignable to the same property in base type 'ObjectDefinitionBlock<"Subscription">'.
Type 'SubscriptionDefinitionBlock' is not assignable to type 'OutputDefinitionBlock<"Subscription">'.
Types of property 'field' are incompatible.
Type '<FieldName extends string>(name: FieldName, fieldConfig: SubscribeFieldConfig<"Subscription", FieldName, any>) => void' is not assignable to type '<FieldName extends string>(name: FieldName, fieldConfig: FieldOutConfig<"Subscription", FieldName>) => void'.
Types of parameters 'fieldConfig' and 'fieldConfig' are incompatible.
Type 'FieldOutConfig<"Subscription", FieldName>' is not assignable to type 'SubscribeFieldConfig<"Subscription", FieldName, any>'.
Type 'NexusOutputFieldConfig<"Subscription", FieldName> | (NexusOutputFieldConfig<"Subscription", FieldName> & { ...; })' is not assignable to type 'SubscribeFieldConfig<"Subscription", FieldName, any>'.
Property 'subscribe' is missing in type 'NexusOutputFieldConfig<"Subscription", FieldName>' but required in type 'SubscribeFieldConfig<"Subscription", FieldName, any>'.
31 get list(): SubscriptionDefinitionBlock;
23 subscribe(root: object, args: ArgsValue<TypeName, FieldName>, ctx: GetGen<'context'>, info: GraphQLResolveInfo): MaybePromise<AsyncIterator<T>> | MaybePromiseDeep<AsyncIterator<T>>;
'subscribe' is declared here.