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Question regarding adapt-class implementation
I was trying to get the following snippet to work in RUM,
(def menu-items [{:key "home"
:title "Home"
:icon "smile"}
{:key "about-us"
:title "About Us"
:icon "smile"}])
(defn menu []
{:theme "dark" :mode "inline" }
(for [{key :key title :title icon :icon} menu-items]
{:key key}
(ant/icon {:type icon})
[:span.nav-text title]))))
But, it was not showing up. Digged a bit into the implementation of adapt-class
and found this,
type# (first children)
new-children (if (sequential? type#)
[(sablono.interpreter/interpret children)]
vector->react-elems (fn [[key val]]
(if (sequential? val)
[key (sablono.interpreter/interpret val)]
[key val]))
So, I went ahead changed that to the following and everything started working fine(at least for me 😄 )
new-children (sablono.interpreter/interpret children)
vector->react-elems (fn [[key val]]
[key (sablono.interpreter/interpret val)])
I think sablono already handles all the cases were input being vector, seq, object etc.. So, this is sufficient for the functionality right?