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Sorry, for Swift use the **UTXMLDictionary** pod, it that is based on TBXML: ```swift import UIKit import SOAPEngine64 import UTXMLDictionary class ViewController: UIViewController, SOAPEngineDelegate { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad()...

Hello, add pod declaration as below, before **UTXMLDictionary** pod, is a modified version to recover the original value without lose spaces or special characters like the tabulator. ` pod "TBXML",...

For now the only solution found is to **import directly** the _TBXML_ classes ([from the GitHub Priore](, then **remove them from the pod** _TBXML_ and _UTXMLDictionary_ and use the _TBXML_...

This work form me in Xcode 5.1.1. thanks!

i have the same problem, Xcode 11.3.1 SwiftUI ![Schermata 2020-03-14 alle 20 19 13](